59- copies

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Shinsous pov:

Kami and I didn't talk for the time we were left alone, there just wasn't anything we wanted to say to the other, or generally. He just looked over to the wall the entire time while I looked at my legs, they were probably the most messed up part of my body.

"Who do you think will come next" he asked in a soft whisper, I turned to look at him, he still wasn't looking at me, his jaw was clenched tight and his eyes were glossy threatening to spill some tears. I sighed loudly and tried to remember who already was here. Toga had been here with twice, even if he didn't actually hurt us, I haven't heard from spinner. Kany and shigaraki had comed by so I don't think they would come back.  And hawks and dabi had been here but they were on our side.

"Between spiner and twice" I whispered to him as I saw how he took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out, his breath creating a small cloud. It was cold in here, and now that it was starting to be morning it felt even colder, so it made sense for that to happen. He in the other hand looked kind of surprised, so he did it again, and again. And for the first time in such a long time a genuinely smile made its way on his face, a small giggle coming from him. And just that sight was enough to make me smile

Then it all had to go to shit when the doors opened, and this time it wasn't hawks or dabi, but twice and toga. Twice had a measuring tape around his neck, and toga had some of her knifes with her, to be honest both of them kindof scared me, alone they were not that bad, but together they are really powerfull, at least thats how i see it. Toga was skipping towards us as kami looked at her, twice followed her behind as they looked over at the table on the side. Then twice grabbed his measuring tape and came over to me first, he looked like he was internally debating with someone.

"Stay still brat" he said to me as he started to go around my spot, i looked over at kami who was looking at toga quietly, she on the other hand was analyzing the kind of weapons she had brought with her. He looked over at me and had a questioning look on his face, I then realized twice was taking measurements of myself, it was like he was a stylist that was making a new outfit for me. I looked back at him and send him a weird look on my own face.

Then he went over to the table toga was at and wrote something down, after he looked quite satisfied he looked over to kami, doing the exact same thing he did to me. I looked back at toga were she was playing around with one of her knifes, looking over at twice. Then our eyes met and I saw how a malevolent grin was plastered in her face. I quickly looked away with chills running down my spine, twice had disappeared.

I looked around for a moment to see if I could spot the man, but he was still no where in sight. When I turned forward there was a figure lurking over me, and as I looked up, expecting twice, all I found was kami.


I took a double look at him, it was him, but he didn't look tired and drained, nor did he have all the wounds the one I knew had, he just stood there, looking at me neutrally. I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth, that wasn't kami, that was one of twice a copies of kami. I tried to look around him to see that in reality kami was tied to his own chair, but as soon as he saw I moved my head he moved in front of it.

"What is it toshi? Do you not want me anymore?" The doppelgänger said as I tried once again to look at the real kami, but still he didn't give up. And that's when I heard it, my own voice in the other side of the room, it was almost the same, but it still sounded kind of forced, almost recorded. Toga was now walking towards both of the copies, two different kinds of knifes in each hand, then she handed one to what I could assume was the creature in the other side of the room.

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