54- blue prints

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Dabis pov:

Keigo and I went by the lab quickly before heading towards the meeting place, not only were we both left with a sour taste after that really sad few hours, but we may also be on the way of having a baby, a puppy. I felt hawks grip on my hand tighten as we both continued to walk down the sidewalk, I had a hoodie on while he was happily talking and greeting people. I was impressed how we had managed to walk around in public without me being recognized.

After some time of walking hawks finally let out a sigh, a tired one while the crowd from before was leaving. I looked over at him and quickly pecked his cheek, he looked over at me and smiled softly. He looked tired, very tired and sad but that didn't stop him from being the great hero he was, what did I do to fucking deserve him? what did the world do to deserve him?

"You ok lovebird?" I asked him softly, he sighed heavily once again and looked at the path in front of us, his scent coming a bit distressed to me. He shakes his head no and his smile faded quickly, I let his hand go and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, bringing him a bit closer, his big bright wings covering both of us as we walked.

"Not really tou, I don't think so at least" he whispered to me as he laid his head on my chest, his hair slightly tickling my face. In the distance I could already see the building were we would head too, luckily the heroes already knew about us and about who I really was. The best part was to piss my father off. Not only cause I'm dating keigo but because I just casually walked into his office the first day we had started to plan the rescue with the heroes and just said hi to him. He seemed confused and when keigo finally explained he just didn't say anything for like a week.

"Hey the lab will call you cause I didn't want to risk my phone number getting spilled" he said after some short moments, I looked at him and nodded slightly, finally entering the building. Everyone greeted hawks while I just nodded along with him, he let my hand go so he could sign something before heading up to the meeting. As we were riding the elevator he seemed to fiddle a bit more with his hands, playing around with a ring on his thumb. I took his chin and made him look at me, he turned and stared in a questioning way.

"Relax, I hate seeing you like this" I whispered to him, he looked at me for a moment before smiling slightly and giving me a small kiss. Then the elevator dinged before he could respond to me, he grabbed my hand and as we walked we passed many other conference room, then he finally came to a stop in front of the furthest one. He looked over at me and pulled off my hoodie, then finally opened the door.

Inside I saw most of the pros that were already working with us, my father of course was at the head of the table looking over some papers in front of him. As soon as we walked in I could feel the two most distinctive persons in the room, of course eraser and mic would shoot daggers at me. Hawks kept pulling me and sat down, I sat in between Mirko and him. I turned to look at her, she smirked and gave me a light fist bump.

"Ok now that we are finally all here we can start" my father began as he stood up, slowly he looked around the table, his eyes lingering a bit on hawks and me. In my stomach I could feel a bit of nerves, but they weren't mine, then I remembered me and hawks had redone our bond not long ago and the emotions were full on, for both of us. I decided to take his hand under the table just for confort, slowly the feeling disappeared.


"Right" he said as he stood up, he slowly let my hand go and placed them on the table, he leaned a bit forward and started to look down at the papers. He waited a few moment before speaking up.

"I think it's time to move, I know shigaraki won't tell the rest to hold back" he told them, the serious tone he held send chills down my back. Usually he was all goofy and relaxed, and now he just seemed profesional and cold. Not going to lie it kind of turned me on, but right now it wasn't the time. He kept his cold stare down at the papers.

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