50- questions?

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Denki's pov:

Pain, it was all I could feel al over my body, but it wasn't physical pain, it was the pain of knowing something I wish I wouldn't have. I knew from the beginning that it was all my fault, I knew it and I just went into denial again. And now because of me toshi is suffering, he shouldn't be the one suffering.

"Ok so this is how the game goes" toga continued to skip around, a knife in one hand and a long lighter in the other. Twice sat crisscross on the floor, waiting for toga to finish her little monologue.

"I'll ask each of you a question about the other, if you get it right, minor damage will be done, if you get it wrong..." she stopped in the middle of both of us, the turned on the lighter and placed it under the knife, turning it a vibrant red. "I'll stab you with this on any body part that I choose, twice is here cause he didn't have anything else to do" she said as she turned to twice, where he had placed the cards on the floor and clapped.

I looked at toshi, his features almost pale at togas statement, but his face remained fearless. I hated this, I didn't want him to be in pain, and even so I didn't want him to watch me be weak. He looked at me and I sent him a small nervous smile, he relaxed a bit before toga started to walk around again. Each time the red color would diminish she would give it life again.

"Our host twice will be reading us the first question of the night" she said in a host like tone, toga would be a good addition to UA, and I know for sure she's still young enough to be enrolled in school. Then again how did she get all this information on us, there was no one who could have told them on purpose.

"Wait, how do you know you have the correct answers?" Shin asked them in a really careful tone, they both turned to him and toga started to walk towards him. Panic was almost immediate in my system as I tried to nudge my arms again from the chair.

"We have a machine, a play toy we conected to the cute Mina, then we got information on both of you that she possessed." She said as she got the knife close to his face, the hot metal inches from burning him, he squinted his eyes and pulled his head a bit away. Toga laughed even more and skipped away, a relief sight left toshi at this reaction.

"Are you ready... if you aren't this will be more fun to me" she said as she grabbed what looked like a marker and placed it on the ground, shin looked at it trying to figure out it's purpose, I kind of thought I knew what she was using it for. She was using it to choose who's turn to answer the question was.

"Spin it bitch" twice said to her as she crouched down and gave it a spin, slowly the marker came to a stop, pointing at shin, he looked at me and then over to toga. Toga stood up, a satisfied look on her face, she grabbed the red knife again, heating it a bit while walking towards shin. He looked at her not once taking his eyes away.

"Can you tell me what kami really thought of you before, well you know, you started to stick each other's tongues down the others throat?" Ok to start of this game that was kind of a hard question, before we did get together we didn't really talk, I mean we did have minor interactions but it wasn't more than that. I looked over at shin, he smirked at toga, and by the looks of it I don't think she liked it.

"He thought I was a cold hearted alpha that wasn't there to make friends, he even did an imitation of me to his friends." He said to her in a daring voice, first of all I'm glad he knew that because I didn't want to bet stabbed by that red metal that she was holding in her hands, and second of all I didn't know he heard us.

"Sadly for me that's correct" she said with a small pout on her face, that was until she looked down at the knife, it's red becoming alive once again as she heated it, and evil grin being placed on her face, she slowly turned to look at me and then at twice. Toshi looked at her in a confused manner.

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