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just- you'll see

Shinsou's pov:

I left the training grounds and put on my headphones to listen to music like I always did. I know Kami has been under a lot of stress and a nap can change that very easily. He took naps after school since one time we were in my dorm and he fell asleep, and after it happened around three times I realized it's something he did a lot.

I kept walking for a while, I tried texting Mika again but still had no answer. I had a bunch of text from Kami showing me a mixture of cat pictures, pictures of him, and things that reminded him of me. I love Kami but sometimes... sometimes he can be an idiot. But I don't care because he's my idiot.

"Heyyy Shin," I heard from besides me, I turned my head to see Monoma. It's been a long time since I last saw him, I mean sometimes we text but half of what he sends are insults about either my boyfriend or my class. I smiled at him before we kept walking.

"Oh come on, just a smile? You used to stick your tongue down-"

"Ok, I get it, you want me to talk to you" I said as I took off my headphones. It's not that I didn't plan on talking to him, it's just there wasn't anything to talk about. He snickered before he kept walking beside me.

"Where's your boyfriend?" I asked him since it was literally the only thing I could think of talking about. It's not my fault he's trying to make a conversation with an Alpha who stays in his room most of the time because he hates social contact. Besides, the only social contact he has is thanks to his boyfriend.

"He's doing extra training, where is the lightning mc cheap" He said as he snickered at the nickname

"His name is not- he stays behind a bit" I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, how someone could be that petty was beyond me. He laughed, he was getting what he wanted.

"Oh you love me" He said as he kept walking beside me. I chuckled, mumbling a sarcastic 'yeah right,' before we kept walking. He was rambling about some movie he saw but honestly, I didn't care enough to listen. When we finally arrived at the way of his dorms he said goodbye.

"I'll see ya around Shin" He said as he gave me a small kiss on the cheek before leaving for his own dorm. I smiled as he left, waiting until he was far away enough to respond to him.

"Yeah," And with that, I started to walk my own path towards the dorms. It was actually a very nice day, even if the weather was starting to get colder. The great thing is that we didn't have much homework which meant I got to spend more time with Kami, and I got to cuddle him for a while.

I finally arrived and grabbed a small snack before running up to my room. Going in, I flopped on my bed and I scrolled through my phone. The thing about being alone is that I had some time for my own things, like... no wait, who am I kidding... I have no social life aside from my school friends and a couple of people I met online. After a while of just going on my phone and relaxing, I heard my door open and then the blonde Omega that I knew and love came inside,

"I'm exhausted," He mumbled, flopping next to me, burying his face into the pillows.

"I know" I muttered. I ran a hand through his hair, lying down so I could look at him in a way I wouldn't hurt myself. He peeked one of his eyes out of the pillow and smiled at me. I smiled back as he sat a bit up and kissed me softly. He pulled away and looked at me for a moment before falling back onto the bed,

"Nap and thennn math?" He asked as he laid his head on my chest. I automatically wrapped my arms around his body. Hearing a small purr leave him.

"Yeah kitten," I whispered as he laid on my arms, purring softly as sleep took over his body. I think Kami has a great quirk, it is very efficient in today's society, but what it does to his body is not healthy and he doesn't take care of himself. I'm just happy that at least now he's starting to put more attention to his mental health.

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