90-red eyed boy

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Warning: Implied rape

Mirko and Hitoshi started walking, Mirko leading them. They had to find the rest of the hostages and they couldn't afford to waste any time, stopping every so often for Mirko to check the intersection before moving to the next branch of tunnels. Shinsou found himself fiddling with his scarf, a nervous habit he picked up when he thought of Denki. He knew he was capable of taking care of himself, but that didn't mean he didn't have a habit of overlooking his safety when doing so. There was something within Hitoshi that didn't want Kami to find the Alpha, even if that was what he had to do,

"He's strong, I don't know why you worry so much about him," Mirko sighed as she touched a wall. Hitoshi didn't expect her to talk, and if she did, not about his relationship. He looked at her briefly before responding, giving more of an expected reply than a willing one,

"I don't really know either... I've been so close to losing him so many times I'd hate that to happen again," Hitoshi explained as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets, next to him Mirko hummed, continuing to walk. They stayed in silence for a moment before she spoke up again,

"You need to stop viewing him as someone that needs protection. Kaminari is strong enough to be an Omega in the best hero course," She mentioned before guiding them to do a right turn, Hitoshi looked up at her for a moment before sighing and looking away. He couldn't understand why he thought of Kaminari that way, he knew that he was strong, without doubt, and he was smart despite people saying otherwise. Kami was fantastic in his eyes, but he was too much to lose. However, turning a corner a gruff voice interrupted his dwelling,

"They paid us good money to deliver you and I'm not about to let good fucking merchandise go to waste," A loud and rough voice echoed, harsh slaps echoing through the halls followed by a small whimper. Two different kinds of pheromones were let out in harsh waves, fear and arousal. Mirko looked at Hitoshi and then back at where the sound was coming from. The smaller voice was pleading for the larger to stop but the Alpha didn't listen.

They both knew exactly what it sounded like, Hitoshi's own memories starting to surface. Thoughts of Kany he wished he could forget. He was powerless against her, he was scared to even look at Kaminari as they looked so alike. Thankfully, that wasn't how things ended for him. With help, support from Denki and a therapist, he was able to feel better.

Mirko gestured to the mask he used to alter his voice as he put it on. He recorded the voice from the other Alpha they heard when Bakugo knocked them unconscious and selected it from a save file. He tried it out as soon it was loaded, praying it would work,

"What the hell do I tell them?" Hitoshi asked before activating the device, he didn't want to go in blind, after all. Mirko stayed silent before whispering something. Hitoshi nodded, putting his mask back on and turning it on, producing a low hum as he did. He stepped closer, starting his play,

"Hey! Where are you, we need to get going right fucking now! Those damn heroes are looking for us!" Hitoshi snapped, the new voice piercing the silence. The slapping stopped and the cries and soft whimpers of the omega were the only things heard,

"Boss? Where-" The alpha cut himself off as Hitoshi activated his quirk, Mirko waiting for a moment for Hitoshi to tell her to go. As they moved forward the man in question appeared half-dressed and hovering over the small omega. Hitoshi looked over at the Alpha, who thankfully had covered himself before he had activated his quirk.

He turned to look at the Omega, he was shaking and whimpering, his own clothes torn and tattered. Mirko looked for the other Omega, tucked away in a corner. She walked delicately around the hypnotized man and slowly towards the other Omega, she was small and shaking. However, before she could reach her, the other two Omegas appeared and behind them a large Beta was scolding them, seeing Mirko and running out of sight,

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