25- stabbed by evil

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????'s pov:

I was hanging out at the bar, I have gone and stalked them out for today so I didn't think I needed to continue for the logs of today, then tomura and I came back just to hang out for the night. The only person I didn't see when we came back was toga, probably out for the night.

"Why didn't you go with her?" I asked twice as he was sitting in the floor, coloring some drawing book he bought.

"Was going to, but that stubborn bitch told me not to go" he said as he calmly continued to color. It was something about coloring that didn't make him go crazy.

I hummed in response acknowledging his answer, I then turned to the loveseat, where hawks was laying his head on dabi's lap. Dabi softly passing his fingers through his hair as his feathers were a bit puffed up. If I was correctly they were both alphas. And I also know they knew each other way before he joined the league.

I found out Dabi was Touya when I heard him mutter something about his father, the connection was not difficulty to make. He should've been more careful if he didn't want me to find out. I swear people are so dumb this days, he told me that if I ever mentioned he would kill me. I'm just using it as blackmail.

"Whats up with you lovebirds" I asked them as they both just looked at me, hawks looked up at dabi, which at he just looked at him back. Both of them smiling sheepishly.

"Oh get a room" tomura muttered from besides me, once again scratching his neck, I quickly slapped his hand away from his neck. he looked at me offended, but stopped scratching. Just muttering a bunch of curse words.

"Well..." hawks started as he looked back at me, I turned my attention to him. He was blushing. I saw how one of his feathers made its way to softly caress dabis jaw, slowly passing it under it and to the other side. At this a soft rumble came from dabi.

"We bonded" he said as the feather returned to his wing. Leaving a really happy Dabi above him, Dabi's soft only for hawks. But if it isn't him he's a complete asshole. But he's the kind of fun asshole.

"Wow that's a big step" I said as I took a sip of my drink. After my small pause I looked back at them. Dabi still had one of his hands tangled in his hair. Looking at hawks as if it were his most precious and only possession, which was probably true.

"It would be such a shame something ruined that" I said as I glared directly at Dabi the mock on my tone only obvious to him. He tensed up at my statement, glaring back. Not once backing down, hawks juts looked very confused at his boyfriend, and now bonded mate.

"So who's bottom" tomura asked besides me, trying to break the silence that has fallen. I know he has anxiety problems so when there isn't something to talk about then he feels kind of pressured to start conversation, it's weird because usually people would stay quiet.

At his question both of them signaled to hawks. I chocked on my drink, so did tomura. I didn't actually think they would answer such a question. "You asked" hawks muttered as they both started laughing at us. Then we all heard the door open, we all immediately came to high alert.

"Relax it's just me, did you miss me that much?" Toga asked as she started skipping around the room, humming some kind of child's lullaby. She had big bucket of red paint with her. A few stains on her own clothes and a knife in hand.

"The hell were you doing?" I asked her with a confused look. At this she gave me her scary wide grin. Skipping towards me while taking out her phone. Her mischievous looks growing wider and wider as she came closer.

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