42- eyes

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Denki's pov:

On our way back I couldn't stop staring at it, it was gorgeous, he was gorgeous. I can not describe how happy I'm feeling, how lucky I am to have him, to be able to call him my boyfriend. I felt him look at me as we walked down the sidewalk, our friends far away. Just the two of us in the dark night.

"I still can't believe it" I whispered to him, he wrapped his arms around my frame, bringing me closer to his body heat, placing a small kiss on my head, he hummed in response and we kept walking.

"Do you love me?" I asked him as I intertwined our fingers together, he looked at me, a confused happy stare looking back at me. He was also happy, and when he looked like that it made my stomach flutter.

"What kind of question is that? I fucking love you" he answered, stopping for a moment and grabbing me by me lower back. He kissed me softly before taking my hand and guiding me back to the path. We continued the rest of the way softly talking to the other, small kisses were being placed here and there.

After like 15-20 minutes of walking we finally arrived back to U.A, the dim lights lighting up our path, slowly reaching the dorms. Even if I felt extremely happy, a bit of guilt came to me when I saw Jirou being hugged by momo. And I know toshi knew this because he hugged me a bit harder.

"She'll be ok, you know that" he softly whispered to me, I smiled at him and laid on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. It was comforting hearing it, it was nice and peaceful. I saw how the light started to get brighter as we got closer, finally arriving at the dorms.

As we got in I saw that todo was reading on one of the tables and kiri, Baku and sero were playing uno. I think everything is going back to normal, or well half normal. I haven't seen Mina around much, which is good for me, but I do wonder where she is.

I approached todo and sat next to him, I noticed he was reading... the silver eyes? Oh my god he's reading a fnaf book. I laughed softly and he finally noticed me smiling at me, stopping his reading for a moment.

"Hey how your heat go?" He asked as he placed the page separator and left his book on the table. I noticed Midos scent was still lingering on him, I wonder if it's the same for shin. I hummed in satisfaction and looked back at him.

"It was amazing, where's midobro?" I asked him, he looked back to the elevator, a heavy sigh leaving his lips, then he turned to look at the blond alpha and the red headed beta. I remembered things weren't that normal with them.

"He's... processing things" he answered as he rubbed the back of his neck. I looked at him in a confused manner and he quickly proceeded to explain.

"Well, after his heat ended we decided to talk with kiri and Bakugou. Both of them told us the whole story and well, now he and Bakugou are in good terms... but he said he was tired about all that and stayed in his room to just relax. I insisted on staying but he told me it was ok" he explained to me, I crossed my arms infront of my chest and hummed, acknowledging it, it's nice to know they could work it out

"Who the hell are you engaged to this time?" He asked as he pointed to my hand, I smiled at it and then looked back at todo. I wasn't engaged like last time but the thought of being so made me happy. He snickered at my actions and I responded

"I'm not engaged silly, toshi finally asked me to be his boyfriend" I told him as I extended my hand for him to see it, he grabbed my hand and analyzed it, an approval nod coming from his head. A small smile on his face as he took it off and took a closer look.

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