52- music box

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You can listen to the music if you like to go along with the lyrics, I just thought it would be fun.

Shinous pov:

Gross, I felt absolutely disgusting and gross. I wanted to rip my skin off, I wanted to clean myself from what happened, I hated the touch of her hands, I hated the words that came from not only hers but my mouth too. What I hated most of all is that kami had the capacity to still love me, and he heard every part of it cause the side of the wall I was in had holes all over it, making the sound go through easier.

I had fallen asleep for two reasons, first because I haven't sleepy in so long and is too much even for me, and second of all I couldn't stand watching kami with that sweet look of his. I couldn't stand watching him feel sorry for me when he should be worried about getting rid of me. So sleeping was my best option, and when I woke up I saw kami looking down, a tired expression on his face.

When he saw me slightly move his eyes looked up at me, a pained flinch coming from him when his back pressed against the chair, of course he would forget about it. Then his eyes looked back at me, soft sob coming from him, I tried desperately not to look at him, feeling shame for not being able to do something about it, for not being able to fight back.

"I want to go home" he whispered to me, his eyes drifting away from mine for a moment before returning to look at me. Neither of us wanted to talk about it, we both just agreed to that silently thanks to kamis words. I nodded at him, I miss my parents and I miss eri, right now there is nothing we can physically do. I miss everything, and I took life for granted

"I know" I whispered back, not being able to really say something else without feeling like shit. He looked away, I could see how he wanted to say something else but decided to keep it to himself. Then we heard the door open again, both of us knowing that whatever came through it couldn't be good. And we were both right.

"Twice can't join us today, but that's fine I can entertain myself with a song" toga said as she came in the room, shutting the door behind her, the door not making much sound as before.

She stood in front of me for a second before turning to look at kami, he looked up at her, not really showing any kind of emotion on his face, almost as if it weren't him in his body. She poked his nose and reached over to pat his head before she turned around, she headed for a table on the other side of the room, the table that seemed to hold so many items over the last day? I don't know how long it has been.

She slowly walked to us, a music box in her hands, dark pattern and splatter of red paint on its sides, a small star drawn on the top on white paint. She crouched down and gave it a few turns, the gears inside making a bit of noice, after sometime she got up, the music box starting with it. She walked around for a moment, humming to the tune and then all of a sudden, starting to sing along with it.

Ninety years without slumbering
Tick tock tick
His life seconds numbering
Tick tock tick
But it stopped short never to go again
When the old man died

She hummed slowly to the song, not really caring if we could hear her or not, she went around Kami, almost as if she had done this thousands of times before. She slowly passed her hands around his shoulders, earning a shiver from kami. Slowly she took out a small knife, starting to trace it over kamis body, starting on his chest and bringing it all the way down to his stomach.

And it kept it in its place,
Tick tock tick
not a frown upon its face
Tick tock tick
And its hands never hung by its side
When the old man died

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