8- talking

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Shinsous pov:

It was now the next morning, I was already awake. Denki was next to me cuddling close to my chest, I could feel his chest slowly rise as air made its way on my shirt. I was still skeptical that last night was a dream, but it wasn't. I finally had my little omega next to me, breathing and alive.

I slowly petted his hair, it was so soft and addictive that I wasn't planing on stopping anytime soon. He's so precious and he looked so peaceful in my arms.

Out of nowhere a small rumbling starts coming from denki, it was so low I had to listen carefully but I was right, my kitten was purring and only I had the pleasure of hearing him. It was so soothing and only I could see him in between my arms. He's mine.

I went back on staring at the soft features of denki. The way his pink lips were slightly parted. The way his cheeks had a small blush on them, and if I looked closely I could see what were some kind of really light freckles. I am so happy but I couldn't think that all had to come to an end. Everything does right?

I knew sero and Denks still had to talk, and I won't know for sure if denki would like to go back to him. I don't have that certainty just yet. Yes, last night he asked me to be his... but what if he changed his mind? What if he realized it was just the momentum talking and not him.

I couldn't let this thoughts get to my head so I decided to wake up the sleepy omega under me. As peaceful as he may seem I wanted to listen to him and look at his beautiful eyes, taste he's amazing lips once more. Last night was everything I've ever wanted but I can't talk the same part as for Denks. He's his own person.

I slowly leaned in to kiss him on the lips, kissing him delicately yet lovingly. Slowly I felt denki smile into the kiss and kiss back. "Morning baby" I said to him, I watched as his eyes slowly fluttered open, showing me the golden sunset in them.

"Hey Toshi how'd you sleep?" He said in a low voice as he snuggled onto my neck. I loved when he did that, it was comforting and nice.
"I slept fine because you were with me the whole time" I said with a light smirk, which then I heard denki lightly squeak under me.

"Don't say things like that" he said as he looked at me "do you want to kill me with your words, is that what you want baby!?" He said as he slowly sited up on his bed. I loved when he used pet names. Coming from his mouth was the most amazing felling ever.

"No Denks" i said as I slowly crawled to his ear "if I'm going to kill you its going to be in bed while you scream my name". Before he could protest or say anything I stood up and made my way to the door. When I turned around the only thing I saw was a very red pikachu hiding in his hands. I lightly chuckled at the view. His little red ears were poking out.

"I'm going to my room to get changed kitten, and I'll be back for you so we can go for breakfast how does that sound?" I was thinking on taking denki for some waffles nearby, then we could clear the air. I'd love to spend the whole summer with him, but then again I don't want to force him into anything.

"Sureee, just don't take to long" he said as he made his way to the door. I stood there waiting for him. "I'll be waiting for you toshi~" he cooed as he leaned in for a kiss. I leaned in and kissed him back. Almost instantly he opened his mouth giving me the opening to deepen the kiss. He's horny little freak, but I won't miss the opportunity. After some time we both parted panting, denki was slightly red.

"Jesus denki, at this rate I'd prefer to stay all day here with you" I said as our foreheads were connected looking into each others eyes. "Just g-go already toshi" he said with more blush coming to his face, I could see he was tempted but wouldn't give in. "Fine fine I'll be back" I said as I finally left with a small peck on his nose.

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