99-he knew

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Denki's pov:

I wasn't asleep

I heard everything.

Hitoshi thought I passed out for so long, but the truth is I wasn't. I was going to sit up and talk with him but I learned I wasn't alone with him anymore, his parents were there too. My head hurt and my last memories were a bit foggy, which meant I couldn't remember most of our fight.

But I decided not to move, I thought I'd stay like that and listen to what they were saying, which was a mistake. They thought I'd lost my memories because hitoshi had ordered me to do so, but it didn't work. I know I should've said something, I know I could've just told them I was fine and I remembered, but for some reason I didn't.

I heard them go out of the room in silence, closing the door behind them. As soon as they did that I got up, breathing heavily, I tried to think and find what was best to say. This is not something I'd expected to happen, so I thought I had to go after them and tell them.

As soon as I got to the first floor I could hear people, lots of them. I figured most of our friends were downstairs, so it would be easier to reach them and tell them once and for all. I was wrong, because suddenly hitoshi was on the floor, coughing as three alphas launched themself towards him.

They were hurting him and I couldn't move, I wanted to, I promise I did, but I just froze. In that same moment I made eye contact with sero, who punched hitoshi in the gut. As I hid in the shadows, sero was pushed back by jirou, who seemed to be screaming at them about something. I have to talk to him later.

I listened, how they decided what to do with my situation, and what to do about it. I was hoping that they realized I would forgive hitoshi, after all he's the love of my life, we had gone through so much. And yet they still chose not to tell me. I heard Shin get off the chair and start to walk towards my direction, so I knew I needed to hide, I walked away and hid in a corner.

And well you know the rest, he left, I'm sure I know where. That's where I'm heading right now. I need to talk to him, I need to fix this, I cannot lose him. I don't know what I would do if I lost him, because he's the reason I wake up every morning.  But I'm sure, I'm so fucking sure he already has someone else in his arms, which is what hurts me the most.

That doesn't mean I'll stop loving him

Because to stop loving someone you have to forget about them. I don't want to forget about hitoshi., I don't want to hate him or resent him. All I want is him, I want him back. So as I drove to my house I tried to calm myself down. Luckily escaping them was easy, now came the hard part.

I opened the door, and quickly came in, passing by long lines of doors and corridors. Until I stopped at his door. I was going to open it but decided to listen first, I didn't want to interrupt anything with such big and maybe horrible news.

"... I am not a rebound shin... we shouldn't really be doing this"

"You're right, I'm sorry, you aren't just a rebound, you're so much more, I know that..."

Something must've happened between both of them for it to come to this point, something intimate, something that 'just friends' wouldn't do. My mind wandered and suddenly I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stand the thought of hitoshi touching and kissing him. I placed my hand on my mouth and dropped to my knees as I silently sobbed.

I don't know for how long I was sitting there but I felt a pair of hands grab me by my shoulders, the gentle soul pulled me up slowly and shushed me. I recognized that sound and that scent. I'd recognize it almost anywhere at this point.

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