66- fire

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Kamis POV:

For the past few hours I've been helping them with a few problems they've had around the building, not only that but they had also made me do a few of other weird tasks, or we'll more like test.

At first I thought they just wanted to torture me even more but it isn't like that at all, the first task was to hide in a homemade labyrinth without the rest of them finding me. And what made it even better was that my whole body was in pain during the time we did that.

Then they had me do archery, which I wasn't bad at surprisingly. The arrows mostly landed close to the bullseye and it wasn't hard to get the hand of it either. But it was weird overall, I didn't see the necessity of this, and besides that shigaraki and kany were supervising the whole time as toga and twice helped me.

"How flexible are you denki?" Kany asked me as we went to the next thing they had prepared for me. Halfway through our walk I had fainted so they brought in someone who had a healing quirk, all they had to do was drink my blood, and toga had plenty of it. I just sighed as I still felt the tingly feeling all around my body.

"I don't know, stop asking weird questions" I said as she continued to guide me through the halls, she had been acting weirdly all day and I didn't like it. It was almost as if she had returned to her old self, but that was impossible. She just hummed and pushed me to the left to go into that hallway, I hated it when she touched me, or even when she talked to me.

"Come on stop the grudge, you love me" she said as she playfully pushed my shoulder, I laughed sarcastically at her as I pushed my hair back a bit. I looked at her and glared like there wasn't a tomorrow, she just raised an eyebrow and I really couldn't believe her.

"I fucking hate you, can't you understand that? You ruined not only my relationship but my life" I whispered to her as I started walking a bit faster than her, she just smirked and kept walking besides me. I tried to ignore her as best as I could, in the mean time wondering what Toshi was doing, I do wonder if he was already at home. As we continued down the hall I saw one door that had a portal outside, I stood in front of it for a moment before kany pushed me to keep moving, then as I looked back at it, it disappeared.

"Don't worry about that" she said as she continued to walk down the hallway, at the end there was a large door, it was sealed with a big black lock. Kany took out a key with a fire design on it and placed it on the lock, opening it and making the door creak as it let us see the inside, it was a single dark room, nothing else visible in it. I walked inside and she closed the door behind me, I heard the lock go back in and then footsteps.

I couldn't really see anything so I just decided to light a small spark with my fingers, that was before I remembered I couldn't... or that's what I thought. I tried to do so just in case and it worked, so I've had my quirk before and I didn't get the idea to use it. As I lighted the room and saw something in the back, it was moving and it was big. I suddenly got chills as I felt the creature around, my omega senses starting up as I looked for it

I sparked again as I tried to picture how big the room was, how much space did the beast have to move around. I leaned against the wall as I sparked one last time, but for this I didn't see a beast, a single blue little fire lit up in the other side of the room, next to it an orange one lit up. They just stayed there, giving light to the room so softly. I stayed on my side of the wall waiting for something to happen.

They're moving

That's what I thought to myself as the two lights started to bounce around in different directions. I wasn't sure of what to do so I just slid down the wall onto the floor and watched. The small blue flame was moving to my left while the orange one was moving on my right. I looked at them mesmerized, it was truly beautiful.

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