23- x in explain

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Denki's pov:

I trailed back to our floor, sero following behind me. Before we got to his door tho I went to the one next to mine.

"Uhh Denks?" He asked as he opened his own door, looking a bit confused at me, his head tilted a bit to the side. I just smiled at him softly while I knocked on the door. The bird boy and his froggy lover opening the door, both of them looking sleepy.

"Hey kaminari-kun" tsu greeted me, she had a big shirt on her, her hair slightly ruffled, she was holding tokos arms as she leaned in him for some kind of support. Toko was okay, he just looked a bit tired.

"Here I brought apples" I said as I handed them both of the red I apples I had taken from the kitchen. Tsu just liked her lips and grabbed one, toko on the other hand had twinkles in his eyes. He really loved apples. He thanked me and started to chump it up, small happy noises coming from him.

"Enjoy" I said as I made my way back to Sero's room, he was looking at me while smiling sheepishly, a small blush on his face. Although he frowned a bit when he saw me come closer. He entered his room and I followed behind him, closing the door behind me.

"Take your hoodie off" he said to me, a serious and concerned look on his face. I was astounded at what kind of question he asked, i looked at him confused for a moment. He seemed to understand that I was not getting his point so he spoke up again.

"Just do it I want to show you something" I was looking at him reluctantly, for one thing I didn't have anything under shins hoodie, which means if I took it off I would be more cold than what I already was. And two I wasn't about to undress in front of my ex-everything.

He slowly made his way to me, he grabbed the bottom of the hoodie and started pulling it up, I just stared at him, no words making it past my mouth. He looked at me when it was halfway there, passing it over my stomach. "Up" he whispered to me when he was trying to pass it through my arms. By the concern on his face I complied. Raising my hands up and him taking off my alphas hoodie. Which had both our scents mingling together.

"Kami is the design like this?" He asked as he showed me the back of the hoodie, a big x marked on the back on red paint, and a long slash across the bottom, exposing the lower part of my back. That was not there at all in all the time I have wore it. How did I not notice this, how did shin not notice this was his in the end.

"What the hell..." I whispered as I took it in my hands, slowly passing my fingers through the marks, they were dried. This is impossible, it's not possible none of us saw it before. "N-no that's not... his hoodie wasn't" I whispered to him as I slightly shivered when the fans wind reached my skin.

"...his?" He asked, a small sad smile made its way to his face, I looked up at him while I hugged the hoodie close to my chest. A small frown on my face. "Sero I-" i whispered to him before he shushed me by shacking his head.

"No kami, don't..." he said as he cupped my face and brought me closer to him, I started to get a bit uncomfortable and conscious at the fact that now I was half naked. "If I wouldn't have messed up I- I'd still have you with me" he said as he placed a small kiss on my forehead, starting to feel guilt clime up my body just for a simple action.

"If I wouldn't have screwed up" he continued silently, slowly passing his fingers on my lips, staring at them as his face started to get painted with a dusty pink. Stopping for a while to just repeat his actions over, and over, and over again. Finally snapping out of his trance he looked back at my eyes.

"I could still call you my omega... I could still be your alpha" he said as he smiled sadly at me, I couldn't help but feel my heart stumble at this. I don't know why I felt so guilty about it. It wasn't my fault but I can't help to think all these doubts come to my head. Slowly he pulled his touch away from my face. Grabbing one of my hands and guiding me to his bed.

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