38- my turn

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Smut warning.

Denki's pov:

I tried to suppress my pheromones for as long as I could but looking at toshi laugh broke me. I released them all at once, seeing how he stopped and looked at me, his pupils blown wide at the smell, a possessive groan leaving his lips. I was ready for him to fuck me, but we still had to take precautions, most of our classmates were on the dorms and now it was dangerous to come through that door for most of them.

I felt how he pinned me under him, immediately kissing me roughly, I desperately kissed back, feeling how slick started to form already. I was so close to loosing control but I couldn't, at least not yet.

"Lock the- fuck. Lock the door and use-"

"I know just- let me" he said as he started to bite down my neck, desperately looking for that one spot. I tangled my hands on his hair, arching my back softly at his touch. He started to grind his leg against my cock. Making me moan softly at his touch.

"Come on kitty don't be shy" he said as he kept letting marks on my neck, licking and bitting whenever he pleased. I could feel his long fangs against my neck, making me shiver in the process. He went up to my ear and licked it, "moan for your master"

" as much as I-I'd like too master~ you need to lock the door" I said to him, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it over his chest, he groaned at the nickname and took off my own shirt, going down my chest and abdomen. I was shivering at his touch.

"Toshi t-the door" i said again, i was desperate, I was aching and all my body was in heat, it actually started hurting. He groaned and quickly stood up to the door, stopping by the bag and grab being both the lube and the condoms, throwing them besides me in the bed "Well use the rest later" he whispered to me as he continues kissing my body.

I felt him start to unbutton my pants, taking them off on one swift movement leaving them somewhere on the room. I watched as he arrived to my crotch, teasing me with his hand. Then, without loosening his eye contact he started to lick up my body, one straight line form my hips to my chest. It felt so electrifying, so nice, so good. I moaned in response, seeing how he smirked at me.

"You like that don't you" he teased as he hooked my underwear and started to bring it down. He didn't know this but I wanted to top him this first round, so as he took them down I grabbed his shoulders and pinned him under me. He was a bit surprised at me but never less continued smirking at me, his pheromones getting stronger than before.

"No baby boy, it's my turn today" I told him as I started to kiss his neck now, leaving marks all over it. Distracting him from the fact that now his pants were off and there was lube on my fingers. I started liking his nipples, making him moan and groan in response.

I started to circle my finger on his hole, he tensed at me for a moment before brushing me off his chest. Softly grabbing my arm, a bit of fright on his eyes. I remembered he's al away topped me, so this is new for him.

"Kami L-"

"Please" I said as I touched his chest, I wanted so badly to fuck him and my heat wasn't helping at all, it was starting to hurt a lot and I don't know how much more I could take. He smiled at me before reaching for my face and kissing me.

"I was going to say to let me do it, but sure go ahead" he said as he tensed up a bit at my actions, does this mean I'm a switch? Probably. He gripped my arm and slowly I started to introduce one of my fingers into him, he tensed at the feeling but nodded after a few minutes. Slowly I started to finger in and out of him, his face turning from a frown to a full on moaning crossed eye one.

"You are doing so good baby" I praised at him, at which he groaned in response, bitting his lip as he threw his head back, I decided he was ok so I added another finger, curling and turning them inside of him, watching how his moans and breaths started to get messy.

I grabbed one of his legs and placed it on my shoulder, softly kissing the inside of his thighs, seeing how lust had taken both of us. Adding another finger, scissoring him, feeling how he started to tense more and more at my actions.

"Oh god, kami please-ahh" he mumbled as he took some hair away from his already sweaty forehead. I think it was enough waiting and not so much fucking, so I lined myself up with him looking at him for a sign.

But before I could think he wrapped his legs around my waist and pushing me inside him, both of us moaning at the movement, I felt how his insides clenched around my cock making me shiver. He panted for some minutes before nodding at me, draping one of his arms over his eyes. " shin~ ahh, baby your killing me here" I mewled at him.

The feeling of the movement, the feeling of being inside of him. It was so good, I started to move slowly, watching how he slightly tensed at my actions, grabbing my arm with his hand and giving it another squeeze. I stopped for one moment before moving again, softly passing my hand on his face, panting because it was all to much.

I started moving again, he tensed again but not as much as he did before, he started to moan louder and louder, I gripped his hips and started to go faster, seeing how he gripped the sheets under him and arched his back, a fucked up moan coming from him, drowning the sound of skin slapping with skin.

"Dam-Ahh, now i know why y-you like sex so much, mmm" i told him, watching him in this state definitely was amazing, he lightly giggled before a moan was forced out of him. His legs wrapped around my waist made me go deeper and deeper, and each time he tensed up making me moan in response.

I felt my legs grow weaker, so I leaned over him, kissing him, over and over again. He kept mewling and each time he would feel me thrust he would moan into the kiss. Feeling how he scratched my back for some sort of support. I started to kiss his neck as he moaned right onto my ear, feeling how I throbbed every time he did that.

The slick that wasn't being used on me started to go down my thigh, making me shiver in the process "ahh- I'm gonna have t-to use that later" toshi moaned as he felt it also drip down his side, I shut him up by kissing him once more.

I felt how there was a heat pooling in the bottom of my abdomen, my movements were getting sloppier and he was also mumbling incoherent stuff now. I started to jerk him off because I knew that this wouldn't be enough to help him cum, at which he arched his back moaning once again.

"N-no no I'll ahh, Kami~" he spewed out as a bit of saliva dripped down his side. I felt really close, the pain on my body easing down and I could feel the pre-cum on tos his tip, he was close too.

"Kami I'm gonna- ahhh" he said as he cumed, painting his toned body white, at the sight I cumed as well, bringing me over. Since I couldn't knot him I pulled out and pressed our foreheads together, we had about 5 min before the next wave appeared.

"I want to do that again" he said softly panting at me. Cupping my cheeks in his hands and kissing me softly, I looked blushing at him, tiredness taking already over me.

On my previous heats neither sero or I fucked, but that was because I didn't really wanted to do it with him, so he usually helped me out without sex. He was really patient with me and I'm thankful for that, but sex during heat is so different and so dam amazing, he kissed my head as I laid on his chest, waiting for the next one to come.

This is what happened basically all night, until finally at about 3am I could finally fall asleep, knowing that this is going to be a hell of a week. And I was happy that toshi was next to me to go through it


Ok so this chapters are shorter, normally I write from 2000-2300 words, and this ones are about 1500 well because there isn't much more to tell. Also the next two chapters are also all smutt so yeah.

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