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Shinsous pov:

"Where the fuck are you going?!" I heard Izuku scream to me as I tried to get outside, I didn't care about my wounds or myself, I just needed to see him, at least for a moment, I needed to see him. As Izuku told me they had found him I fell to my knees, and my head started to feel dizzy, I couldn't believe it.

"Where the fuck go you think!?" I shouted back as I grabbed a jacket and started to head towards the elevator, as soon as the it's doors opened I walked inside, but the doors didn't close as Izuku walked through them.

"I'm going with you then" he said as he putted on his jacket, for some reason it stoped in the floor under us, and that's when todo walked in. The tension between the two of them was suffocating me. Todo just nodded at both of us as he leaned against the wall, his hair was slightly tied back.

"So he told you" I said softly as mido looked away, todoroki looked at me and hummed in agreement, his eyes starting to get glossy. He looked really done, but not surprised. It was like only two months since they got together, but if mido and Bakugo really liked each other then they shouldn't have gotten in relationships.

The doors reopened and we were finally on the first floor, todoroki went out first as he sniffed lightly, he just went over to the common rooms where kiri was watching a movie and eating ice cream, he was wrapped in a blanket. Todoroki sat next to him as they both ate ice cream. Kiri looked at us and his eyes lingered a bit on deku before he returned to watch the movie.

"That was horrible" I whispered to him as we went outside in the cold night, apparently izu had called Zawa because he knew I was going to go if I found out. But as the time passed by I started to get more impatient, I needed to see him so desperately, and it wasn't even because he's my boyfriend but because he was with Kany, who knew what else she did to him.

After what felt like forever I finally saw my fathers car park, mido helped me get there as we sat on the back, in the front mic was the one actually driving. I did wonder for a split second where zawa was before he started the car.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fisically I'm meh... emotionally I'm a train wreck so nothing new" I smiled a bit at the joke I did and so did mic, but the everything fell silent and I started to look out of the window. The sky was silent, not many stars out, and even if it was a bit chilly I could feel a small wave of heat radiate towards me. I just saw the town pass by me as we went towards the hospital. Small lights through the view as i felt my heart beat faster.

When we finally arrived mic guided me from the reception, through the maze of hallways until I spotted zawa and Bakugo. Wait, what is Bakugo doing here? I thought he had... a mission. He was the one going to save Denki's ass? I thought it was momo.

"Hi, you're finally here" I heard from behind me, I turned to find momo with a bottle of water and a coffee cup. I waved at her as she gave the water to Bakugo and the coffe to zawa. Bakugou thanked her as izu sat next to him, starting their own little conversation.

"Hitoshi... look I don't want you to stress yourself but he's-"

"I know dad... I k-know" I said as I felt small tears starting to form once again on my eyes, he gave me a small hug as he pulled me to sit next to him. He silently passed his fingers through my hair as he gave mic a small kiss on the forehead. I just waited as patiently as I could for the doctors to let us know something, anything about him. Momo had to go but the other two did stay

"Shin I'm going to the vending mashing want anything?" Mido said as he stood up, i shook my head no, I didn't feel like eating, I felt more like puking. He just smiled and walked away, but as he walked away I saw Bakugo stare at him, I rolled my eyes before talking up

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