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Denki's pov:

I was hanging out with Kai, because I was pissed at Hitoshi. He's been acting weird and I can't figure out why, so while he's acting up I decided to go home and spend time with the other alpha. He's a good guy and he's really fun, and I'm not going to lie, his quirk is amazing too.

"Have you thought maybe he wants his own space for a while?" He asked as he sat at the other end of his bed, playing on his phone. I sighed as I played around with a fidget toy he had, thinking the reason for the sudden distance between Hitoshi and I.

"Well whenever he needs space he always tells me," I answered as I kept my head down. We have been going back and forth with possible reasons why he would be acting so cold. He remained silent for a moment before pausing his game and speaking up again.

"Maybe he's horny? And he's too afraid to speak up?" He said as he looked up from his phone. I laughed before looking back at him, a smirk made it's way on my face

"That's definitely not the problem" i mumbled as I blushed slightly. He looked at me with a baffled expression, making a gaging sound before responding.

"Okay that's too much indirect information" he said as he turned off his phone and crawled to my side, laying down and placing his hands behind his head. I looked at him and smiled softly, he smiled back before he turned to look away

"Maybe he's not the one for you" he suggested in a soft tone, afraid to hurt me with his words. I looked at him for a moment, hesitant, before turning away. I've had to admit the thought had crossed my mind more than once, but I never settled on it for too long, I didn't want t settle on it for too long

"I want to believe he is but... what if he's not?" I asked as I rested my head against the wall, staring off into nothingness. He remained silent for a moment before looking at me, seriousness on his tone

"Well if you feel like he isn't, you dump him"

"Just... like that?" I asked him almost in a whisper, I didn't want to throw away the feelings and the time spent in the last six months with him just like that, just thinking about it was causing me more pain.

"Yeah, I bet there are more people out there that want to be with you" he said again placing a strand of loose hair behind my ear. I frowned slightly, I knew that,of course I knew it but... I didn't want any of those other people, I wanted Hitoshi.

"Like for example... me" he mumbled as he kept looking intently at me. I turned to look at him a bit surprised, I never thought he would be so direct about his feelings, and specially now. If I had to be completely honest it was confusing me, more than what I would've liked.

"I- uhh Kai you're a real nice guy, but I'm still in a relationship, one that I want to save" I explained to him as I tried to suppress my scent as much as possible, just wanting to make sure it wasn't sending him some kind of mating or any other kind of mixed signal. He shifted in his spot before responding.

"I know that, I just wanted you to know that... well that you have plenty of options still available," he said again, smiling at me like an idiot. I pushed his face away as I laughed softly. He stood up from the bed and proceeded to grab my hand pulling me up with him.

"Come on, it's getting late and you should head back to the dorms" he continued as he started to head out of the room, his hand still grabbing on to mine.

"Drive me? You need to practice" I asked as he kept pulling me towards the main door, he groaned but nodded his head. As we kept walking through the enormous house we came across Isaac, who was texting on his phone. I stopped Kai so we could at least say hi.

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