33- coffee

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Shinsous pov:

It's been about three hours, kami left and I stayed in my room for a while before I headed out and met with my parents and Nezu. Again they made me tell them what happened, then they told me the procedure and then I wrote to kami. I don't know why it took him so long to write back but I guess he did notice it.

Now I was back at my dorm and I was just laying in my bed while I drew on my book, it was something to pass the time. But it was also something to make me distracted from all the worries that were coming to my head. What if he decides he still loves him? What if they had made up right now and he plans on leaving me? I mean I know that I told him I would support him no matter what but, it hurts to think he wouldn't be my baby anymore.

I heard a car outside, I got off my bed and walked in the now clean floor, thankfully the door wasn't damaged, they just had to restore the mirror but that's no problem. I saw that in fact they had arrived, seeing how kami had a package of worms and they were just talking, which was a relief for me. I wonder if he'll come to my room or go to his room, so I waited for a while until I heard muffled noises out of my door, so I could hear the outside, but the outside couldn't hear me.

I was about to open the door, but stopped cold on my tracks when something caught my attention. Something that I wish I hadn't heard. And then I realized if I didn't get out of here I could go feral, I could go and kill whoever was on my sight. Because my fears had come true.

"...good night denks, and I'm sorry I kissed you"

"... hey no don't worry it was also my fault I didn't stop it. Anyways I hope we can..."

It was all I heard before I backed away from the door, I didn't know what I was thinking, but it definitely wasn't safe, I grabbed some spare shoes and my phone, then on my hoodies pockets I packed my headphones and cash. I needed someone to talk to, and I knew a place where she wouldn't close for the night, after all nightshifts were Mikas favorite.

From my balcony to the floor what's what 2-2.5 meters, I could jump and maybe fall hard, but not hard enough to break a leg. I heard how the voices started to get further away so if I didn't jump now he would know I was here. So I sat on the edge and jumped, the fall wasn't much, but I accidentally landed on one of my hands, I'm going to need to bandage it.

I started walking, not once turning my head back, I grabbed my phone and my headphones and started to listen to music. I couldn't really identify what I was feeling and I didn't want to go thinking on it, so I decided to slightly check my hand. Yep I had to bandage, it's not big but it will be better to bandage it just in case.

Halfway through my walk I decided to finally text Mika I was heading to the shop, which at she responded almost immediately. As I suspected it, this week she had night shifts. She asked me what was wrong but I just cut her off by telling her I needed to vent, she knew more than to ask so she responded with a simple k.

I was a coward for running away from kami, but as we've been doing for some time now, I was running from the real life. It's something I realized I had been doing a lot these past few weeks. I felt my phone ping once again, annoyed at the thought that it may be Mika once more I took it out to see, it was a message from kami.

'Baby where are you?'

I felt my heart squeeze at the message, if I didn't reply he would think something bad would had happened, but I didn't want to reply to him. So I just opened it and left him on read. It was enough to let him know I was there but wouldn't respond. And then once again, my thoughts drifted towards sero and then kami, and then them kissing. Kami kissing him instead of me.

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