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Denki's pov:

I heard the faint sound of my alarm that woke me up from my slumber, I groaned as I tried to turn the annoying sound of. Afterwards failing miserably. Being forced out of my dreams I search for the phone and turn it off. I then check my messages before attempting to get out of the confort of my bed

As I checked through my messages i noticed it wasn't as much as I thought. Mostly was Kiri and Bakugou checking on why I didn't go to eat, and then informing me on the food I found last night. Not gonna lie, it's nice knowing Bakugou has a soft spot. Kiri I already knew.

Then I came across three messages I didn't expect. The first one was from sero, he wasn't asking but more like demanding a day we could meet up to talk things through. Although there isn't much I want to talk about, I can't leave him hanging in mid-air. He clearly specified that it was better if it was before my heat. Which I had to remind myself it was due in 2 weeks. I glared at the messages he had send me and decided to send a 'I'll let you know' nothing else. Not wasting my energy in that, gotta start thinking of myself.

The next one I kinda expected, it was from Shinsou. He was telling me how if I needed something he'd always be there for me. Which is kind of weird in a way. I never thought he cared about his classmates. He didn't seem friendly at first either. But he isn't a bad person. Not from what I've seen. I shot him a quick text.

'Thanks shin, can i call you that? I hope. Anyways I want to tell you but give me more time. I feel like I can trust you. :)' after I shot the text, a response appeared on my screen, I thought he'd be sleeping, yet again I remembered who I was talking with. I lightly rolled my eyes at myself.

'Yeah sure you can call me that. Although if others start saying it I'll murder you. And kami... take all the time you need' as I read through the text I thought to myself how patient he was. Yet again doubt filled my head, what if he wants to use this against me. What if he spills the information out? is he willing to listen to me, why tho? I can't trust him just yet.

'Ok great...I mean the name part not the murder jeje' after I sent that last text I went and checked the last message.

It was from Mina, pouring out apologies. There were like 15 damn messages saying the same thing over and over again. Just rephrased differently. I decided to ignore her. I knew enough from her to know that those half-ass apologies were only to confort sero. I knew what a real apology looked like. And I knew that she wasn't felling remorse at all. She knew exactly what the hell she was doing. And thinking about it make my heart flinch and my eyes water. Why the hell was i being so weak. I could be stronger, I had to be stronger.

I quickly wiped my eyes and decided to take a shower before class started. I was considering it as a fresh start. I grabbed my supplies and made my way to the comunal showers. To my fortune nobody was there.

I jumped into one of them and started felling relaxed the moment the hot drops of water started trailing my back and my chest. I kinda laid there for a moment before actually cleaning myself. With every scrub I felt like a new person. With every scrub I felt all my emotions drift away. And all my peace lasted about 10 min before I heard the door open.

I turned around to see who the hell had interrupted me without showing my displeasure. But I quickly calmed down when I saw my red headed friend. Heading towards the showers as well, just with his hair down. I always thought he looked better that way.

"Hey denks, how you felling. You weren't yesterday at dinner so I got kinda worried" he said as he started to get himself ready for a shower of his own. That is before he continued. "Did you eat the food bakubro left you?"

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