43- arson

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Kany's pov:

"It's nice, we never hang out together kany" hawks said to me as we waited for twice to take the pictures out of the U.A dorms. He was playing around with one of his feathers while he sat on the floor, this was taking for ever. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued to tap my foot against the floor.

"How much lo-" I was about to ask how much longer before the birdbrain interrupting me, his face almost touching the glass. He looked like he was on a zoo, watching the displayed animals. Has he never seen kids before?

"Your brother has beautiful eyes kany" he said softly, not once looking away from the glass, I hummed in response before I realized he may have just fucked up. I turned to see if he was going to explain but he didn't say shit.

"Did you look at each other?"I asked crouching down next to him and looking into the window, they were all together in the common room, we had the bubblegum bitch back at the lov for toga to take some blood off of her. We couldn't kill her but we could use her instead, toga could sneak around as her and I can be mister perv grape, who I don't know what happened to his corpse. As for the calling us out, I know she won't say a peep.

"Yeah, he stared into my soul, creepy" he whispered to me, denki had grown a lot since I last saw him, and he has a boyfriend now. And his living my dream while I rot in the dirt. He was all snuggled up with shinsou. It seriously made me sick, sick that he could be so oblivious and dumb, sick he was an omega, sick he was still alive.

"Ok done I got this fucking photos hoes" twice said as he stood up and started to walk away, hawks helped me stand up and we started walking to the point where they would wrap us back. He was extra happy today, my guess is they finally fucked again, would make sense.

"Kany we should hang out more, you're fun"

"No hawks, I tried to kill your mate and I won't hesitate on doing it again" I growled back at him as I braided my hair and got it out of my face, he snickered at me and started flying, he hated the wrap, so he flew. In the mean time me and twice entered U.A's forest and got into the wrap, arriving magically at the bar.

"Hey look who it is" I heard dabi say from his place on the floor, laying down and looking at the roof. I kicked his side slightly as I handed the photos to tomura, he grabbed them and placed them on an envelopment. He said he'll send it to the heroes after the kidnapping, something about making them feel guilty.

"Where's keigo?" He asked as he sat up, I looked at him over my shoulder as I grabbed the glass of coke that misty dude handed me. I drank a bit before I responded.

"He's flying here, you know he doesn't like portals"

"Perfect" he said as he stood up and headed out the door before he left we all looked at him confused, he stood on the door before responding.

"I'm gonna take him with me to do some arson" he said as he smirked, if that's his idea of a date he's an idiot. How he got hawks will always be a mystery to me, but then again, he's a dumbass too. Although deep deep deep deep down in my heart I love them both.

"Ah the most romantic date" I said to him sarcastically before he rolled his eyes and flipped me off, going out the door and finally leaving the bar. I turned on my heals with the beverage on hand onto the room I guess toga was with.

I entered the room and sure enough there she was, using syringe on the pink girls body. Happily humming to herself a song. The other girl looked half drunk, probably the lost of blood. Soon toga noticed me and smiled.

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