68- affair

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Shinsous pov:


I've been sleeping all day, it's the only way I can escape all the torturing thoughts that swirl around my head. Besides the horrible migraines I've been having, I feel really alone. I did tell everybody to just let me rest for the day, but I didn't do it because wanted to be mean, I did it because I didn't want them to see me cry.

how could I let it happen, we saw the signs, we were warned on multiple occasions, and yet he is still in danger. Fuck and it's not only my fault it's also UAs, they saw what was happening, and they didn't do shit about it. as I snuggled closer to the yellow blanket i heard a knock on the door but decided to ignore it. denkis scent is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment, that and the pain killers

I heard another knock on the door, I groaned as I tried to ignore it, but it was becoming annoying as they did it over, and over, and over again. So with a lot of effort, I sat up on the bed and softly laid back. I saw how the door opened slightly and yaomomo pocked her head inside, smiling kindly at me. i smiled back just to be polite

"How are you feeling?" she asked as she sat on the other side of the bed, she reached out her hand gave me a water bottle, which i gladly took. she waited until i drank a bit of it before she kept on talking, something about her was different today, she looked happier than usual

"so I'm going over to the heroes now, and ill be back by midnight, will you be awake?" she asked as she picked up a pillow that had fallen, i nodded and smiled a bit. Yaomomo told me what had been going on with kami for the last day, she had been working with them because she knows how to handle the device, and just for my own sake, she tells me how he's doing.

I just can't believe how fast they work when he's already in trouble, and it's also because yaomomo mentioned that his state got better. That wasn't good for the heroes because that meant they needed him to get better, and who knows for what.

"Remember to call if you need anything ok?" She said at last as she rose from the bed and with a small smile left the room. I smiled back until the door was closed again, if everything went right that meant I got to see him soon, but with all that happened are we both ready to 'go back to normal?' Because it all had been so fucked up.

I slowly laid back down in my bed as I looked around my room, I could try and draw something in the meantime, but I don't really feel like it. So I just turned on the tv for some white noise as I checked my phone. I had some text messages from my parents and izuku, wait, I could go and spend time with him, and by spending time I mean annoying the hell out of him.

should I just call him up here? cause I don't want to go down there, it's a pain in the ass to move around in this state. So I opened his chat and decided to ask first, it's not like he has much free time anyway, plus it's just easier this way.

'you free? I'm bored, come over and take me out of my misery'

'you're so dramatic, you come over'

'... have you seen me?'

'i say it cause you can't move, ill go over later'

And with that, I saw izuku had disconnected, but I didn't believe it. Usually, he would just put no problem and come, and if he was doing something he would tell me, but this time he just said no and left. So with a great amount of effort, I stood up from my bed. I thought a moment about just staying and not going, but I was already up so I started limping to the elevator. i have considered the crutches a big burden so I decided not to use them anymore.

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