61- love or not

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Shinsous POV:


I stared at him, I just stared at him. No words came out of my mouth as he stared back, his tears falling down his cheeks, some even going through the bandages. He was expecting me to say something, but there wasn't anything I could say without breaking down. It hurt so much just to hear those words, and I didn't really know what to do.

"Say something... anything!" He whispered again, I tried to say something, I really did, but no words came from my mouth. He didn't really mean it did he? He couldn't have, not after all that had happened for over this past month. His body was shaking, and his face was pale, he looked like he was about to loose his shit at any moment now.

"Shut up" I told him in between gritted teeth, I didn't need him playing with my mind while I tried to process what was happening. The one person I truly cared about from our stupid class, the one person I actually liked and loved, just told me he may or may not think he doesn't love me, that's nice isn't it?

"What" he said in a wobbly tone, his hands gripping harder onto the chair he was tied onto. I looked at him through the hair that was on my face, meeting his eyes for a moment before raising my voice.

"I said shut the fuck up" I told him in my alpha tone, he immediately cowered and stayed still, he looked like in trance, and small tears fell down his face, he couldn't resist when I did that, no omega could. I was huffing, I didn't know how to feel, not at what he said, and then small tears started to fall down my face.

"Please... just stop talking" I said in a lower tone as a small sob passed my lips, nothing that had happened in here had hurt me as much as that just did. I felt betrayed, and broken. I felt like he just ripped my heart into a million pieces, I felt like a piece of shit.

"Toshi I-" he started as he felt out of the trance, almost like being confused of what had happened over the last few minutes.

"No, you need to stop kaminari, just fucking stop... talking" I told him again as I felt my eyes get blurry because of my tears. He looked at me like he had just made the biggest mistake of his life, which can probably be true. I looked away from him, and sniffed as the tears fell down my face, if the torture didn't break me this definitely did.

"No wait that isn't what I wanted to say" he whispered as I could feel him look at me, the cracks on his voice telling me he was about to break down too. I just shaked my head and smiled cause this was insane, this was crazy, I was crazy for him, but now I don't know if he was crazy for me.

"Hitoshi look at me" he said again in a desperate tone, I didn't turn to look at him but I did clench my jaw. I can't look at him because it hurts, it hurts way to much, and I can't stop thinking about it. Why me? Why did he have to do this now, and why the hell did he lead me on then? I had told him before I was crazy for him, so he just decided to use me.

"Shinsou please, please just fucking look at me"

"I can't ok? I can't cause it hurts kaminari, it fucking hurts to even look at you" i said to him as I faced him, but kept my gaze on the floor. He whimpered, a small sob coming from him, I felt how the chair rattled across me, it did it again before I heard a frustrated grunt come from him, he was trying to get out of his restrains, but it looked like he couldn't.

"Look, I love you, I really do-"

"Make up your mind would ya? Cause that's not what you said a few minutes ago" i snapped back, he sighed and stayed silent for a few minutes before he spoke up, his voice firm yet hurt and worried.

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