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Dabis pov:

"Ow, carefull" Kei whimpered as he squirmed under me, I sighed as I kept carefully cleaning his face with the wet towel. Currently we were on the bed, trying to fix him up from his stupid hero work. I hated to watch him come home, all fucked up, limping and with blood everywhere.

"You're... mad at me," he mumbled as he watched my face, he was good at reading emotions, just not mine, which to him it was better. I didn't react to his words, passing the towel over his split lip, which luckily didn't need stitches. Of course I was mad at him, I was pissed, he could've not returned at all today.

"Cmon, you know I can't understand you unless you talk to me" he continued, pulling his already bandaged hand to my face, I looked at it before slapping it away, not wanting to do this right now. He looked at me unsurprised, not being the first time I did it. He sighed as he looked away, knowing what was coming next.

I got off his lap, gathering up the things from our first aid kid and putting it away in the bathroom. I stayed there for a moment, watching the red feather around my neck, and the mark on top of my scent gland, this had to stop. We were about to get married and have a child, I was about to finally have my family, the happy one I've always wanted. But I can't do that if Hawks dies, and the only reminder I have of him is this apartment and our daughter.

"Tou, come back please, let's talk" he shouted from the bedroom, I sighed, I can't deal with this shit no more. Keigo was driving me insane with this almost-dying-every-night bullshit, he knows it but being a hero is everything to him, I can't take that away from him too. So I decided to clean the blood from my own face and hands, and go back to face him. He looked at me as he saw me come closer to the bed, a small smile on his face.

"Go on, I know you already know exactly what you want to say, we do this a lot"

"That's the problem takami, this shouldn't be a daily thing, you almost dying shouldn't be a normal event for us. I'm tired of you coming back home every fucking night with blood everywhere, I can't go and buy supplies every day because the smell of the stupid pharmacy makes me sick, I can't do this anymore"

"Touya you know I can't just quit, this has been all my life, all I've ever known, even when they give me days to rest and grow out my feathers I can't stop"

"But I need you to stop, or at least to slow down. I'm scared of turning on the news and hearing your name, or receiving a call from the stupid evil bitches of a boss you have telling me you're dead"

"Stop using that word"

"It's the same shit whatever you call it! Deceased, flat lined, out of the map, I don't care, they all mean the same thing"


"It's like you don't even care at this point, like you have nothing to live for and you're trying to go in a great way, like it's your fucking legacy, I feel like I'm not even in your life anymore, do you even care for me?!"

"You are the most important thing in my life and that's why I'm doing what I do! to protect you dabi, you and our future together!" He spew out with a dangerous venom in his words

"There is no future if you fucking die, do you even understand that?!" I cried out loud, breathing heavily from the exchange we just had, Keigo looked at me, tears appearing at the corners of his eyes, golden eyes, darkened by the moon. He looked away for a moment before speaking again.

"I can't lose you, not again tou"

"And what makes you think I fucking can..." I told him, watching as he reached for my hand, I pulled it away, I think we both needed to cool down, rest a little bit and talk it out a bit more calmly in the morning. I looked up at him, where his eyes were now filled with tears, his head bandaged, wings small and cute, both arms full of scratches, his legs being worse.

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