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Shinsous pov:

"Hello sweetest"

"Hello my dear" the voice in the other line answered. I was back in my room, lying on my back and thinking back about what happened today. Issac giggled at the nickname before sighing into the phone.

"How was your day?" He answers sweetly before what sounded like he was rearranging himself on his bed. I smiled a bit, those honey eyes I missed so much, they were finally on me again.

"Amazing, oh Isaac, I have a project with him and spent some time together, god I missed him so much. Like you don't understand-"

"Hold on, we're talking about kaminari right?" He asked before I hummed in agreement and sighed. He on the other line just giggled a bit.

"I just- I'm very happy I now have an excuse to talk to him without my classmates giving me shit."

"You sound very happy, I'm glad that it's going good for you dearest." The omega whispered, I smiled and continued the conversation with him for a little while.

He has a very peculiar way of talking, quite sweet, and he loves pet names. I just got used to the way he talks. Overall he's the sweetest omega I've met, very correct and shy, and he just loves romance. So for now, I will just follow his lead. He deserves a little love after so much.

"On the other hand I've made significant progress with my own lover boy"

"Oi I thought I was your lover boy"

"Well yes, you are my first lover boy, but you're not mine" he said again, in a singsong voice. I laughed a little at his own tone, being more playful than usual.

"Anywho, apparently Kai has nothing with your pretty boy, but he is chasing after him like a little puppy." He repeated for me, with a kind of sad tone to his voice.

Here's a little tip, both Kai and Isaac had to go through their rut and heat with the other. It was a little hard at first because of all the trauma and such but they're on good terms now, let's just say feelings were caught. And now the little omega loves the other with his huge heart, makes me a little jealous but it's not my place to say anything.

"The guy is stupid for not taking you, and he's stupid for going after what's mine. And he's overall stupid" I answered as a soft growl came from my gut, he chuckled in the other side of the line softly, he laughs at everything, I find it quite pure.

"Oh honey bunny, don't talk about him like that, you don't know him like that, you know him as the guy who tried to have a pass at your omega" he started, he stopped for a moment sighing and almost whining

"I know him as the guy who told me not to stop, that it felt good, that I was so hot, that i'm a good boy and that I was beautiful"

"You are beautiful, gorgeous even." I answered back truthfully. I could sense his smile through the phone, so I decided to add to that.

"So let's hope that this plan works, so I can get my baby back, and you can hear that every morning for the rest of your life."

"Right on captain" he answered with a hint of amusement in his voice. I grabbed my ring from my bedside table and looked at it

"Could you be a prince and tell me what's it again?"

"You get Kami, I get Kai, they can remain friends but not boyfriends. And if they do end up together..."

"We get together... good boy" I told him while I heard him laugh at the other end. We kept silent for one moment before he spoke again.

"Promise me something"

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