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Narrator's pov:

To say the least, Shinsou was scared. He didn't know what happened and after all that he and Denki had gone through he didn't need anything else weakening their relationship. After he had accepted to work with the heroes he didn't have a good feeling about it. Yes, they had made progress and Kany had taken the bait they had put out for her, but it wasn't enough to catch her.

He ran towards the area Denki had been practicing, unluckily for him, he didn't tell Shinsou where he was going, so he had to guess. He was running towards them as fast as he could before he heard an explosion. His ears perked up as he caught the scent of caramel and spices, he recognized Bakugou scent immediately, running towards them instead.

When he got to the gym he shoved the door open, it didn't budge, it was locked. Shinsou felt his heart race. He looked around for the stairs to go to the bleachers, running up them instead. He opened the doors where Bakugou was fighting, a blue shield over the ground, mercilessly attacking it.

"What the fuck is that?" Shinsou panted through his breath, running towards him, Bakugo was sweaty and breathing gravely, his arms trembling from the amount of energy and strain from using his quirk.

"Some kind of fucking shield, we were training with Sero and then this shit blew up, Kaminari is still inside," he huffed as he pointed down. He wasn't wrong, Kaminari was encircled in a mass of rocks, it would have been perfect for rock climbing if they were in another scenario. Shinsou touched the semi-transparent blue shield that was separating him from the training ground.

Kaminari was equally as tired. He had been running around trying to find a switch, a button, a small opening, anything that would help him get out of the stupid enclosure. It was heating up quickly, he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to last in there. Even as he searched and tried there was nothing, not one little thing to help him get out. He even tried his quirk against it but it didn't work.

"Kami!" He heard from above him. He looked up to see Shinsou and Bakugou, both of them panting as they tried to find an outing for him. He smiled upon seeing his Alpha, a small wave of relief knowing he was there. However, that didn't last long as more of his classmates walked in, his friends and a couple of girls coming to see what the hell was happening, not too far behind them Aizawa came in as well.

"What the hell is this?'' Aizawa asked as he touched moving around the students to get to Bakugou and Sero.

"We don't know, but it's not taking any damage," Bakugo said as he fell down in one of the seats, attempting to catch his breath. Before any of them could react a portal appeared inside, only meters away from Kaminari. And of course, Kany came through it, smiling as brightly and dangerously as she always did. Most of Kaminari and Shinsou's classmates didn't know who she was, it made sense, they had never seen her before.

"Oh, how unlucky to be just you," Kany teased him as the portal closed behind her. Kaminari took a few steps back. He was exhausted and scared, fighting his long lost sister was not something he was up to doing at the moment, especially with a lot of eyes on them. Kany took out her sword and activated her quirk, Denki still backing up, attempting to find space to run.

"We have to do something," Shinsou urged his father as he paced back and forth, he felt helpless, his scent coming in distressed by just watching the woman he hated the most in his life getting closer and closer to his omega. Every other student present tried hard to break the barrier but it proved futile.

"Deku, come with me," Bakugo told one of his lovers as he started to run down the stairs, moments later they started banging against the door to go directly into the gym.

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