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Denki's pov:

I woke up to the feeling of a warm pillow and a fluffy blanket. I nuzzled the pillow as I slowly opened my eyes. It was already dark outside, the only thing providing any light were the street lamps that were scattered around. I looked at the sky where the stars shone on and the moon helped to bring peace on earth.

But not to me.

I turned to lay on my back, looking for Hitoshi. But he wasn't here with me. He wasn't on the bed so I assumed he may be in the other one to give me more space. After all, there were two beds per room, so I sat up and looked at the other side, but he wasn't there either.

"Toshi?" I mumbled, brushing my hair out of my face with one of my hands. I felt a slight sting when I did that in my arm but it was barely noticeable, I did my best not to think about it, I wanted to forget it, and as if on cue Toshi came through the door, holding two cups in his hands.

When he noticed I was awake he smiled and closed the door behind him using his leg since his hands were full. He walked over to me and passed me one of the cups, taking a sip from his own as he motioned me to move over,

"Here, it's hot chocolate with some marshmallows," He whispered as he sat next to me and leaned against the wall. I grabbed it with pleasure, the warm feeling it was giving me was enough to relax me. He smiled as he watched me take a sip from it before returning to his own drink,

"Thanks, it's really good," I smiled at the sweet taste of the chocolate. I cuddled into him as we drank our drinks in silence. He wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest, taking occasional sips of the chocolate,

"Are you going to go back to sleep?" He asked as he placed his cup of coffee on the bedside table. I shook my head as I gave him my cup so he could place next to his, it was too hot to drink now anyway. He hummed in response and kept hugging me slightly tighter than before.

"Want to go to the rooftop with me?" He asked softly, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek, I looked at him for a moment before I smiled,

"How do you keep getting access to rooftops?"

"Now that's something you don't need to know, kitten," He teased slightly as he got off of the bed and held out his hand, I grabbed it and hopped off the bed, grabbing my hot chocolate and chugging down what was left in it,

"Let's go?" He asked as he started to pull me to the door, I smiled at him and nodded as I walked with him. But before we could really leave I let him go and grabbed his hoodie that was on the chair,


"I'm cold let me be," I smiled as I put it on and grabbed his hand again. He chuckled before opening the door to our room as we started to walk down the hallway. The silence of the night being comforting in some weird way. Hitoshi squeezed my hand as he pulled the door open and a set of stairs appeared,

"Thank god it's only one set of stairs," Toshi mumbled, leading me up the stairs alongside him. I groaned, following him, too tired for stairs at the moment. He was right though; it was only one set but I was too lazy to go up them correctly, slouching against the wall as I did. Luckily we were already close to the door and the cold night air was becoming stronger and stronger.

Hitoshi opened the door and revealed the small rooftop, it wasn't as big as our dorm one but it was equally as comforting... in a weird way. Hitoshi pulled me to the edge and sat down, I sat next to him as our feet dangled off of the edge,

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