17- voice recording

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Denki's pov:


I waited patiently for his response, slowly my anxiety rising up my body. Is he even ok to talk with me after what happened. Well any chance to shame 1-A he may take, maybe like that we can actually talk. I feel like he would be a good friend if he weren't much of a jerk.

I haven't talked to Shin since this day he left. It's been so fucking hard, we aren't bonded and even so, it feels like a big part of me is missing. I feel so empty inside. This never happened before. There is something special between us.

with him its different

As I spaced out I felt my phone vibrate on my hands, I focused back on the screen to see what he had written. I thought he wasn't even going to respond

'Sure, do you think I could go there?'

Oh, he was also serious about the situation for him not to make fun or anything. I'm starting to get worried, he's acting ok, but is he really ok? I mean even if he may be an ass, we all care for him in different levels.

'Sure, my dorm is the number xx'


I sighed and laid back down on my bed, I had only gone out of my room at about 4 am to get a shower and some food, but that's about it. I checked my other messages and realized that toshi had written me more, I don't want him noticing I saw them so I still haven't opened the chat. I felt guilty shutting him out, I didn't like it at all.

After another few minutes of thinking I heard a soft knock on my door, I shouted a come in and with that a blond beta entered my room. He looked at me with a small smile. He shifted the door behind him.

"Hey kaminari" he said as he sat at the edge of my bed. First thing I noticed is how he had two scents on him, one was definitely his, but the other one I can't pinpoint. It definitely isn't toshis, but I think I haven't smelled this one before.

"Tell me what do you want to know?" He said as I finally looked up, I had a big shirt on me that I may or may have not stollen from toshis room last night, it's just it was confortable. The second thing I notice was that he had a few bite marks and love marks on his collarbone and neck. Maybe the scents owner was responsable.

I still had a few from when me and toshi fucked but most of them had faded already. I was a bit mad that he did them, but when I took of my shirt and nobody mentioned it, I was ok with it.

By nobody I meant tsu, she would most have absolutely called me out.

"No wait... before I ask anything I want to say I'm sorry" I said as I gripped the bottom of 'my' shirt, he looked confused but said nothing. I took a chance to continue talking.

"If I had known you a-and toshi we're together I... I would never had gotten with him. I-I'm so sorry I did that to you. I know what it's like to b-be cheated on and I'm so so so sor-"

"No stop kaminari" he said as he reached for my shoulders shaking me a bit. I was confused, why stop me from apologizing. Then I remembered what toshi had told me. A small tear trailed down my check, he reached up and slowly wiped out.

'...if you ask Neito he will tell you the same thing I told you'

"Stop... look I may hate your whole class, but I don't like seeing people cry. You did nothing wrong, you didn't know" he said as he slowly stroke the side of my arm. No words made it past my lips. I just stared at him a bit shocked. Not really knowing where to look I decide to just look at my lap.

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