16- Now kiss!

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Warning: self harm implied.

Denki's pov:

I cried for a while, just snuggling the pillow Shinsou slept on last night, it had his scent. And even if I was mad at him, even if I didn't want to see him, just disappear from him. I miss him, I miss him so much, the way he looked at me always drove me crazy. The way his hands delicately touched my skin. I'm going crazy.

What if I screwed up just because I didn't let him explain, what if he really is as innocent as he was explaining. I couldn't handle pushing him away because of my stupid mistake. I really didn't want to go to him so I'll go to the next person involved, Monoma. I know he'll probably fill the spaces Shinsou didn't have the time to do so.

It has been about 2 hours after we last talked. I'm tempted to just go to him and kiss him. To just swift into his arms and hold us together. For us to scent so everyone knows we are taken. But I can't. I can't do that to myself. He's gone, I could do something about it, but I'm a coward.

I heard a knock on my door, I slightly raised my head but I wasn't feeling like talking to anyone so I stayed there. After a few minutes I heard a thump and slowly a familiar scent made its way to my nose. At first I thought it was the pillow I was snuggling and my mind playing tricks on me, but as I made my way to the door, it just became stronger. Although I didn't want to talk to him, this is the closest I'll get to him for now.

"Hey kitten"

Oh god it was him, it was him and I couldn't reach him or touch him. I couldn't kiss him, I couldn't talk to him because it hurts. I slowly moved my knees to my chest and laid my head against the door, more tears falling down my cheeks. I can open this door right now and let him fall once more into my arms. But I know that won't happen. Even if I have unconsciously placed my hand on the door handle. I can't let it happen.

"Listen I know your upset... but I wanted to apologize once more, I know what I did was wrong. I should've told you...." He sighed and I heard a bit of shuffling "...But if you speak with Neito he will tell you the same thing I told you."

Will he tho, if I speak to him will he tell me the same thing you told me. I'm scared what he tells me will be different. I'm scared toshi, I don't want to loose you more than what I already am. More tears streaming down my checks. I was so close to opening the door. I was slightly shaking while gripping the handle tighter.

"I will try and give you some time but please don't shut me out"

I can't, I'm sorry I have to, I need to think. I'm so sorry toshi. I miss you and I love you, but I can't continue being a play toy omega for you. I'm so sorry. I need you toshi, I need you so badly

"Bye baby"

Bye alpha, I'm sorry but this has to be done. I'm sorry but this is what I need at the moment- Wait a minute bye? Where the hell is he going. Tell me he's not going to run away. He can't do that, just because of me he can't do that. Is he that stupid, is it safe for him to leave?

By the time I came back to my senses I opened the door, he was gone. I went to his room and knocked, but I heard nothing in response, at all. Did he really leave... but where the hell could he be. Is he that hurt? Oh fuck, I really screwed up. I quickly ran back to my room. I remembered he left one of his spare keys here the first time we stayed together. I grabbed and rushed back down.

I opened his door, he wasn't there. Slowly I went inside and closed it behind me. His drawing supplies still were there, his closet had a few of the drawers open. His bed was a mess, his charger and headphones were missing. He really is gone. I felt a sting in my heart, the omega in me crying because my alpha left.

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