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Shinsous pov:

"I'm sorry love" I said as I headed out of his room, I will not try to persuade him, kami needs his space like any other person. He's overflowing with emotions and if time is what he needs I'll give it to him. I'll try and contact him later.

It hurts, everything. It hurts the way he was watching me, if I'd known this would've have happened I would have done things so differently. I want to leave this place, I didn't need to stick around. so I will

I went by my room and grabbed a couple of outfits for about 3 days, I also grabbed the shirt that smelled like denki. I'll go back home for a while, maybe seeing my family will make me feel better. I decided to wait about an hour or two before leaving at all, I needed to charge my phone anyways.

Although in those two hours I didn't come out of my room at all, I just thought. I thought about kami. His beautiful golden eyes and his silky hair. How his purr always comforted me. How when he concentrated he stuck his tongue out, it was adorable. This was going to be hard, being away from him will be hard.

I texted both my parents to let them know I'll be going, they questioned me but I decided to brush them off. I don't need more people getting hurt by it, although I think at some point I had to tell them. Before I left I had to make a stop tho, actually two

I went out of my room with my bag and phone in hand, first passing by Todorokis room, I knocked and from there he opened the door, behind him midoriya was watching a movie in his laptop, he was all cuddled up on the blanket, and todos hair was a bit messy.

"Hey shin" he said in a not so relaxed tone. I know he's mad at me but at this point I don't care, I needed to make sure my little omega will stay safe while I'm gone

"Hey I need a favor" I started while I fiddled with my phone " can you take care of denki while I'm gone, he's kinda upset and I don't want him to do anything to hurt himself" he clearly knew exactly what I meant by the face he made. And I know that on his watch my omega will be fine.

"Sure... but I'm not doing it for you, I'll do it for him."

"I don't care as long as he's safe, I'll be going home for a few days. Bye todo" he waved me bye and shut his door, I'm guessing he's taking Izuku with him, the more the better. I made my way to my next destination.

I was in front of Denki's door, his scent slightly sneaking out of the door. I couldn't bring myself to knock, what would I even say to him? I will at least try to apologize once more that's for sure. I don't care if he doesn't open the door, I need him to know. But I would like to listen to his voice before I left.

I finally knocked on the door, no response. I sat in front of the door, after some time I could hear shuffling inside, then footsteps and a thump right on the other side of the door. He's listening, just doesn't want to show it. I guess my scent was also getting into his room since he didn't ask who it was.

"Hey kitten"

no response

"Listen I know your upset... but I wanted to apologize once more, I know what I did was wrong. I should've told you...." I sighed and seated myself a bit up before I continued "...But if you speak with Neito he will tell you the same thing I told you."

No response

"I will try and give you some time but please don't shut me out" still no response, I could smell his scent getting stronger and it was driving me insane. I had to leave, I had to get out before I break the fucking door.

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