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Denki's pov:

I woke up to the sunlight in my face, a warm body under me as I touched the exposed skin. I then remembered what happened yesterday night and who I was with. Toshi was already awake, scrolling on his phone before he realized I was also awake. He smiled sweetly at me before reaching down and giving me a small kiss.

"Morning" he said in his husky voice. I snuggled closer to his chest as I took in his scent, it was the fresh coffee and lavander that I grew to love so much. I hummed before I spoke up.

"Morning hito" I said softly as he left his phone on the nightstand and hugged me closer to him. I smiled as his actions as his legs tangled with mine and we just shared the warmth of the other. I started dozing of before we heard a knock on the door, I hid my face in toshis neck as he shouted a small 'come in' and his hands went to my back, securely holding me.

I heard the door open and then the voice of kiri come through. "Hey guys uhh, bakubro made breakfast and was asking for you two, but I guess you should come down when he wakes up" i smiled knowing that he thought I was asleep, but he couldn't really see it. Hitoshi smiled and nodded his head as I felt kiri move around again. That's when I caught a third voice.

"Where are you red?" A deep voice came from the hallway, he froze as I felt toshi freeze under me. And then I heard footsteps go in the room, toshi gasped so softly but I could catch it.

"You're back" todorokis voice echoed through shins room, I guess they had become even closer than what I anticipated. Toshis fingers started to softly caress my back as he took in a deep breath.

"Yeah, since classes were starting again we came back" he answered briefly, todo and kiri both hummed as they understood what he meant. The room felt silent again before kiri spoke up.

"Well, see you in a bit, I want to say hi to Denks... properly" he said to toshi as I heard them walk away and close the door. Toshi looked down at me before smiling. Taking out some of my hair out of my face.

"Why did you pretend to be asleep?"

"I didn't feel like getting out of bed... just yet" I told him again as I smiled back, he laughed a bit before tilting my head up and giving me soft kisses over and over again. As he pulled away I focused on his eyes, even if he now had a normal sleeping schedule they still looked tired, and I had a way I could make it a bit better.

"Stay still" I told him as I sat on top of him, he smiled as he grabbed my thighs softly. I grabbed and raised his hand to my neck, softly rubbing it against my scent glands, a small purr coming from myself at the sensation. He raised his other hand and started to do the same with it, a small rumble coming from him too.

Soon I let his hand go and did the same on his own neck, running my wrists on them. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling, his crooning getting a bit louder. I smiled seeing how much he liked the feeling of being scented. And the I took away my hands and leaned down on his chest, softly rubbing his cheeks against mine as he chuckled at the actions.

"Mmmm I love this" he mumbled as he helped me scent, I smiled as I looked at him, a bit exhausted but delighted at the smell of coffee and rain in a thunderstorm. I rubbed his other check before falling on his chest.

"I do too... it's oddly relaxing"

"Well yeah, partners and mates and even parents with their kids usually do this when the other is stressed" he explained to me as he softly petted my head, I was still laying down on top of him as I closed my eyes at the feeling, my purr and his crooning heard across the room.

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