55- 2 rooms

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Hawks pov:

The meeting ended and of course me and tou were the happiest we could ever be, that is until we had to proceed with our next task. We decided to put the pup subject on hold and start to head towards our next destination. As we walked down the street in the late night I looked at my phone, not much happening to be honest.

"Do you have your ID?" Tou asked me as we passed down the sidewalk towards UA

"Yup" I responded as I grabbed it from my pocket and passed it through the scanner, the doors opened and we slid through them. As I put the document back on my wallet and then to my pocket I felt tou hug my waist. It was close to midnight so we had to be really quiet, I think the students are either worrying or sleeping.

"You're clingy lately"

"I just really love you" he whispered back in his defense. I laughed a bit at him, he looked high, but that couldn't be it. I just sighed and hugged him back, he cuddled close to my chest. I wondered about how would out baby look, maybe he would have touyas beautiful eyes.

As we were getting closer to the dorms the lights came in brighter too. With all that was happening I didn't really expect any of them to actually go to sleep, or even try to do so. Erasers class is always mingled in some kind of trouble with the Lov, it's kind of surprising how well they can take care of themselves. Through the glass doors I could see some of the just sitting around, others standing or walking.

"Do you think they'll attack me?" Dabi asked besides me with a small snort, I looked at him and laughed a bit. It was a possibility but I could come up with something.

"We can come up with something" I whispered to him as I took off my glasses and placed them in my pocket. We finally arrived to the building and I opened the door, only a few turned to look at me, the rest not really interested on what I was doing. It looked like they were all waiting for something but I couldn't guess what it was.

I waved at them as I started to walk past them towards the stairs, some did wave others nodded, others just looked at me and looked away. But when they saw dabs, that's when all of them went crazy. I saw kids stand up everywhere, all ready for a fight, and as I turned to see dabs he was already on the ground, one of his hand was taped to it and the other was being restrained by the froggy girl. The red headed dude was grabbing his legs while boom boom boy was sitting on his chest, attentive to any move he would make.

"Hawks what the fuck?" Bakugo asked as he looked over at me, a scowl on his face. The scene was too funny not to laugh at, so I did, I started laughing, and when I opened my eyes I just found a bunch of confused teenagers and my mate glaring at me, which made me laugh even more, almost falling back.

"Stop laughing asshole and help me" I felt dabs call out at me, I started to walk towards him and ushered the kids away. They all, very confused backed away from him, slowly letting him go. Bakugou didn't move though, at least not until I finally reached dabs, I helped him up and he just kept glaring at me.

"I'm sorry kids, but I would appreciate it if you didn't attack my partner in crime, go back on doing what you were doing" I told all of them as I cut through the tape with one of my feathers. Almost immediately dabs stood up and grunted in response, i snickered at him and placed my wing around him, getting closer to his side and silently taking his hand behind our backs. He was going to let go but I didn't let him.

"Now if you'll excuse us we need to get a few things from your friends" I said a bit more softly as I let his hand go and started to slowly walk away from them, that was until I felt a hand on my own. I turned to see the creaty girl, small tears on her eyes, she had a bit of trouble speaking but in the end she did.

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