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Denki's pov:
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I woke up about 3-4 hours later, I could feel the puffiness in my eyes and the dryness on my mouth. I felt like crap, and I was hungry since I didn't go down for dinner. I reach over next to me and grab my phone. Apparently it was 12:30 am. Thank good tomorrow was the last day of school. Before summer vacation of course. 

I stood up from my bed's spot, still trying to adapt to my surroundings. Sure enough I was still in my room. As I grabbed my yellow fuzzy blanket I grabbed my keys and went out of my dorm door. Locking it behind me. My only goal then and there was to get food and water. And go back straight back to my dorm confort.

I didn't want to fake being happy in front of anybody right now, so I prayed for everybody to be asleep, or at least at their own dorms. As I made my way to the elevator, I felt my self want to cry again. But I couldn't, literally I was so exhausted that I just refused to.

The elevator came to a stop and soon after I heard a ding come from it. As I relocated my blanked so it wasn't dragged across the floor, I made my way slowly towards the kitchen. Passing the commons area not noticing the presence, sleep deprived presence, cuddled up against the couch.

After what felt like years I finally made it to the kitchen. Slowly I reached for the cabinets finding anything that I could consume. I decided to resume my quest through the fridge. Then I came across a plate wrapped around with plastic wrap. On top of it was a note written by kiri.

'Nobody touch this please, its for Denks. :)' as i read the note I unwrapped the plate that was supposed to be for me. Then I placed it gently on the microwave and waited for it to heat up. In the mean time I couldn't stop my thoughts going to a certain someone. A certain alpha that broke my trust and heart. And then like a swing to the head, it all came rushing back to me.

I slowly slipped down to the floor, bringing my legs to my chest and hugging them as if they were to break if I didn't. I just sobbed to my self lowly, not wanting to cry any more. And even by doing that the memories came rushing. The memories of both of us. Our first date was the one I couldn't seem to get out of my head. I remember that day so clearly.

Sero has planned the whole thing. First we went onto a small fair that was passing town. We went by playing most of the games that were displayed to us. Winning a bunch of useless yet meaning full junk. And just sharing each other's company. Being together felt amazing. He had made me feel like no one before that day.

Later then we went to a small movie theater, buying the tickets to a comedy film. As the film went on he would slowly stroke my hair with his fingers as we sat together. His jacket over my shoulders. All he did was whisper sweet things to me, such as 'he was so happy that this was finally happening' and 'he never wanted all this to end'. Afterwards we went back to the dorms where we went back to my dorm and cuddled. And when the clock stroked exactly midnight... we kissed. The night finished of by him telling me ' I was the best thing to happen to him'


After the microwave announced to me that my food was done I slowly stood myself upwards. What I did not expect was a pair of indigo eyes right in-front of me. As I slowly took in the view, in front of me was Shinsou. The emotionless alpha that had came to class 1-A after Mineta was kicked out of U.A. he was found in Hagakure's closets watching her sleep. That was the last straw for mr. Aizawa to expel him.

As the microwave reminded me that my food was still sitting there waiting to be eaten. I fall out of the trans I was in. Apparently staring into Shinsou's eyes didn't bother him as he was unaffected by the sudden attention I was giving him. I shyly looked away realizing what I had been doing.

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