47- picnic

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Soft smutt warning:

Denki's pov:

We all kept walking until we reached a small forest, then in the middle there was an open space with some picnic tables and a couple of people around, it was beautifull. Toshi was laughing most of the way here, which was a rare sight for everyone else, I had the luck to watch his beautiful smile every day, and even more be the one to cause it.

"Ok look I can do it! let me do it one last time" he said to me as he handed me another handful of popcorn, I laughed a bit because he had missed the last like 20 tries but I was having fun, so I did. I grabbed one from my hand and I threw it at him, he tried to catch it with his mouth but failed once more, catching it with his hand instead.

"You suck at this" I told him as I ate some popcorn myself, he looked at me and smirked a bit, grabbing some of the popcorn I had and eating some himself, he laughed to himself before responding.

"Yeah but you are having fun" he said softly, grabbing my other hand and giving it a kiss. I melted at this actions, he had a soft smile on his face. That was until I heard another voice next to me, I turned to see mido leaning on the table we were sitting at.

"This is the most I've ever seen him smile, thank you kami" mido said as he looked mischievously at shinsou, he rolled his eyes at mido and brought me closer to him, grabbing my waist. I laid my head on his shoulder while I watched a butterfly pass by. Mido laughed and turned around, leaving to find his own boyfriend.

"Did you know I love you?" I whispered to him as I grabbed one of the popcorn and hand feed it to him. He hummed and grabbed my chin, making him look at him, he smiled while he looked at my eyes and then softly kissed me. His lips full of love and passion, it was something I couldn't describe.

"Not more than what I love you" he whispered, placing another kiss on my nose, I giggled at the sensation. He continued to eat from my hand as we kept talking of random stuff. Mostly about really stupid stuff

"If nothing is faster than light, how did darkness arrive first?" I asked him, he stayed silent for some moments, looking down on me. He draped his arm over my shoulder and focused on kiri and Bakugou who were laying down on the floor, looking at the sky.

"Darkness was already there, it didn't have to get there" he responded as he looked back at me, I nodded in response. He kept looking at me and I raised my eyebrow, he didn't looked faced at all, actually he looked kind of sad.

"What?" I asked him

"Do you think we moved to fast? Do you regret how things went between... us? Would you have prefers it if we were friends first?" He asked softly, I felt his hand travel down my back, and the he took his hand away, a small frown upon his face. I don't know why he was thinking this now, it was kind of weird.

"Not at all baby, no why would you say that? Look we may have been going to fast but I think it's because we are comfortable around each other toshi, if you feel like it's going to fast please tell me, ok baby?" I assured to him, cupping his face in between my hands, I was worried for him. If he didn't feel comfortable then I wanted to make him feel comfortable with me.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked me as he turned completely to look at me, resting his arm on the table and his chin on his hand. I mirrored his actions, a goofy grin on my face, I watched him chuckle at me.

"Well, you swooped me off my feet before I even knew it, then you made me realize I had a crush on you, then you helped me through rough times, then you made me fall in love with you and lastly you made me the happiest omega on this earth. Any questions?" I teased back at him, he laughed and looked down at my hand, grabbing it and softly brushing his fingers against the ring.

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