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Denki's pov:

We walked through the gates and I could feel Shinsou's gaze on me, I could tell there was something bothering him but I decided not to mention it to him.

I did hear the conversation he had with sero considering it was right outside my door. He was being so protective of me and I loved it. I knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to me, at least for the time he'll use me.

For all I could know Shinsou could be pretending, after all it has only been like what 3 days since we actually started talking and we were already acting like a couple, can I even call him my boyfriend? After all I did ask him if he could be mine, but what if he took it the wrong way.

Im also not sure if he had other relationships as well, I've only really had sero. Yes I've had tons of crushes but never actually asked them out, most of the other times o got rejected. So I was felling nervous about this whole thing.

As we made our way towards a small place where they sold waffles. I decided to hold onto Toshi with both my hands and nuzzle in the back of his shirt,  his scent lingered on it and I inhaled deeply, I didn't want to forget it when he left me. I felt as he slightly chuckled from my actions which only made smile sadly at him.

I knew the reason we came out here, we needed to talk desperately, these days apparently I needed to talk to everybody. To be honest I was somewhat nervous. I met this guy and the next moment we were making out, did he regret it? Was he bringing me out to kill all my hopes? Probably, that's why I just braced myself for the words to come my way.

"Hey look we're here" I heard Toshi say as he guided me inside towards a secluded table in the side of a window, the view from there was a beautiful small park. I could most definitely feel the stares of people around us, probably some homophobic pricks. But I literally couldn't care less. Let me quote Bakugou's beautiful words 'fuck them all homophobic extras'

As we sat down a waitress came our way. She had shoulder length straight hair with really bright blue tips. She had a couple extra ear holes and a nose piercing, then she had really bright maroon eyes, to be honest she looked really pretty. "Hey asshole who's this?"

Wait ...what?

" hey Mika, this is denki" toshi said as he winked my way, why did he know her. Maybe they were friends, I don't think someone would go around calling people assholes. No wait Bakugou does that, but Bakugou is Bakugou.

"Um hi" I said with a shy smile, I don't know why but her presence was really powerfull, she looked like she could tell anyone what to do and they would do it immediately. "Hi denki, you can call me Mika. Now what would you two gentleman like today?"

Her whole spirit changed when directed towards me, it was as if I was a puppy who needed protection. I felt really weird at the moment, it was as if she pushed a button and could be a different person. "I'd like my usual please and... Denks what you want I'll pay" toshi said while I looked at the menu

"I'd like some blueberry pancakes please" I said with a smile. Mika looked at me in aww, like I was a puppy who just did something really cute, did she think I was a toddler or something? "Well aren't you the cutest omega I've ever seen, hey let me know if this asshole hurts you. I'll kick his ass" she said with a wink and walked away with her flipping small notebook.

"Just ignore her, she's like a female Bakugou just a bit more tamed" he said with a small grin, and to be honest he was right. "How do you know her?" I asked since curiosity finally got me

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