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Denki's pov:

"Damn it, how do you keep winning?" I whined as I fell back on my bed, flopping my arms to my sides. Shinsou laughed before he collected the cards and tried to put them in order. I looked over at him, his hair was messy and he was obviously tired but he looked absolutely adorable,

"It's not my fault you're a bad player" He teased, placing them on my nightstand. He looked back at me for a moment before crawling over to my side and laying beside me.

"Ouch, right on my game skills," I smirked in a sarcastic tone, turning to look at him. It was about three in the morning, and in about 18 hours we had to be fully geared and ready to raid our school's underground system.

Yes, we should be sleeping, but my nerves were too high and I couldn't sleep. So, 'Toshi decided to stay awake with me. He looked at me for a moment before turning away to the covers on the bed.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked, laying down, looking at the roof. That's when an idea came to mind. So, I stood up from my bed and I reached for the small fairy lights switch, turning it on and flipping off the lights in my room. The soft tender light filling the space,

"What are you doing babe?" Toshi asked as I walked back to my bed and laid back on my place. I looked at him for a moment before reaching over to kiss him very softly on his lips. He was caught off guard for a moment before he kissed back,

"What was that for?" He mumbled, sitting up a little bit, looking at me for a second before reaching over to kiss me again. I smiled as I leaned in and gave him another kiss, this one lasting longer than the one before,

"I love your kisses..." I mumbled, he kept kissing me over and over again, his lips teasing mine with a soft and slow pace, nothing too much to handle. I smiled, continuing the kiss before he stopped and looked at me,

"What?" He asked against my lips before kissing me once more. I opened my eyes a little, looking at him. He had a small blush covering his face, it crept down to his neck, where some marks were seen over the collar of his shirt,

"It was on a night sky filled with stars that we had our first kiss..."

"I hate to say I feel a little bit guilty about that night... I shouldn't have taken advantage of you in the state that you were in, and I was in a weird place with Monoma" He confessed, laying on his side, resting his head on the palm of his hand. I smiled a little sadly. I knew and understood that we rushed into things, but I wouldn't have done it any other way.

"Baby, Toshi, I don't care about it, you know that? I needed to get Sero out of my head and you were perfect for that job... we've talked about this enough, about how we rushed things so can we please stop?" I whispered to him as I sat up on the bed and looked down at him. He decided to place his head on my lap as I played with his hair.

Silence consumed the room as Shin closed his eyes and let himself drown in the feeling. Letting me softly pet his head as he smiled. I loved it when he was calm. It was a lot better this way, neither of us had to overthink. I was looking at him, he sighed at the feeling before a small thought intruded my head.

"Hey... do you want to help me build a nest?" I asked him as I kept softly touching his head, but as soon as the words left my mouth he tended up. I didn't understand why until he turned to look at me, fear in his face,

"Are you pregnant?"

"What?! No! Of course not! Just because I want to build a nest doesn't mean I'm pregnant!" I told him as I felt the fear of being pregnant consume me. I knew for sure I wasn't because well, I've taken the tests just to make sure. He relaxed under my touch again before standing up and going to my closet,

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