7- feelings

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Denki's pov:

The beginning, see that's the thing. To me the begging would be the beginning of our relationship not the beginning of the problem. To others may be the other way around.

"Beginning of the problem or the whole subject?" I asked Toshi, he shrugged and looked at me. "I don't know, how about the problem and then we could talk about the rest?"

I agreed on that idea, so I went ahead and began to explain to him. " I think you are aware that me and Hanta started to date a while back right?" I don't know why I still called him Hanta, I guess I was used to it. When I looked at him he simply nodded. I continued to look towards the sky a felling of emptiness on my stomach and heart.

"A few days ago I found out he was cheating one me toshi" I said slowly felling my eyes beginning to fill themself with water. The colors on the sky slowly mixing and glowing in my eyes. " not only that but with Mina, with my best friend" I said letting the drops finally fall down my cheeks and onto my shirt, some onto my lap. I turned to look at him. He had a hatred look in his eyes and a bit of disappoint.

"I know I know, I deserve this. I know that this is what I'm supposed to be used for. I know that no one will ever take me serious. Toshi I know you hate me. I know I'm worthles-" is all I got out before I felt something warm on my lips, it was amazing. A pair on lips on mine.

His hands were on my hair and lower back holding me in place, his lips on top of mine. He was straddling my lap on place. It took me a moment to process what the hell was happening before I... I kissed him back. It just felt right, it made my stomach turn in excitement and my skin burn with his touch. I started to put my had on his hair bringing him closer to me while using the other for support, I could feel the ice cream on his lips but I didn't care.

He slowly passed his tongue on top of my lower lip asking for entrance, which I almost instantly provided. I felt as his warm tongue made its way in my mouth. It was almost as if it belonged in there. Low moans made their way out of my and his mouth, which drove me crazy. I trembled a bit under his touch. Slowly he pushed me down on the blanket, putting his hands on both sides of my head. He parted for air a bit while he looked at me. His skin was tainted with a bit of pink while he looked deep into my eyes.

"Denki no..." he started, I must admit I was confused. Then he continued "...stop saying all of those things. Just stop, you are one of the most amazing and beautiful omegas ever, you are so goddam smart and happy, you are so beautiful and I just want to hear you talk all day. Denki you don't know how lucky I feel for having you in between my arms right now, so just shut up and-"

I cut him off by kissing him. I didn't want to hear more, I didn't need to. I knew that he meant what he said. Whatever the hell was passing through my mind was gone. All my attention was centered on the alpha before me. All my thoughts were about him. All I ever needed was on my arms. But after a few moments all my worries came back to me. And I needed to stop this before he could get hurt. I didn't want to hurt him

"Toshi stop...wait" I said panting he just looked at me, he kind of resembled a cat. "Wait let me just..." I said as I tried to organize my ideas on my head. I don't know what to do now, I had some big feelings for him. But hell I just got out of a goddam relationship, what if people saw less of me thanks to that now? They could think terrible of me I just-

"Denks?" He was now sitting down in front of me pulling me out of my thoughts. "Kitten please talk to me" he started again, god I loved that nickname, I loved his hair and his eyes, I love the way they look at me. I loved how whenever he wanted to concentrate he slightly but his lower lip. I loved how he was so confident around people. I loved how his scent reminded me of a lavender field in France on a cold morning with fresh coffee scent on the air.

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