58- clean

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Shinsous pov:

Sleep was indeed what I needed, i felt kind of refreshed, even tho I was dirty with blood sweat and in between other fluids. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about kami, he's the only thing I can think about. And now it's safe to say probably the thing that I was scared most of my entire life will become true, I'm gonna have to use my quirk for evil, and every person that told me so will finally be right.

But you know what? It's worth it, because then they wouldn't hurt kami. I sometimes do wonder who's mind is it I will be abusing, hopefully someone I don't know nor will see in my entire life. As for my injuries they are bad, after kami fainted they continued for some time before they kind of ran about of space, so they tortured him slightly before I reminded them of their deal. They didn't stop for some time, like some kind of warning.

I had been awoken for about what I could only consider 30 minutes or so, kami was still out. There wasn't much I could do as I waited for the next round of hell, only think about what Kami said to his sister, I have never seen him so frustrated before. It was very dangerous of him to do so, and I was a bit mad at him for getting himself hurt, but I was about to bust out laughing at the face Kany made.

"Shin" i heard kami mumble on his sleep, I haven't heard him speak coherently in his sleep until now, I wondered if it was just cause he started actually vocalizing. I smiled a bit, he still was an adorable baby to me, even when he was really hurt. If I'm being honest, and of course not thinking completely straight, his scared body kind of turned me on at the moment, even with all that had happened with Kany.

"Mmm... Hitoshi" ok now that I heard clearly, what the hell was he dreaming about. He moved a bit before he unconsciously flinched the moment he putted more pressure on his back. I just wanted to clean him up, put him in nice pajamas, and cuddle him so we could forget all this, but I think that it's barely posible. My thoughts were interrupted as I saw the Hawks and Dabi come through the doors, as soon as their eyes landed on me they stopped on their tracks.

"Holy fuck, I just- I didn't think they would go this far"

"Hawks, seriously? They're sociopaths, they don't feel for others" dabi whispered to him as he grabbed his hand and pulled him towards us. I watched them both as they came closer, barely being able to move my head without hurting. This time they changed, since hawks must be more experienced with wounds he would treat mine, while dabi would treat Denki's

"How are you holding up?" Hawks whispered to me as he untied my hands and my feet, I sighed before slightly touching my wrist, they stung from all the movement from the rope, and it felt nice to finally move them a bit.

"I'm just surviving at this point" I told him as I looked over denks, where dabi woke him up and he was just drowsily letting him clean his wounds, starting with his face and leg. I looked back at hawks, were this time he had brought proper bandages and some kind of desinfectan for the wound. He looked up at me and smiled softly before starting up, my legs had multiple cuts and decayed parts, all which stung like a mother fucker when hawks started.

After my legs he cleaned my chest and neck, my back and arms. Bandaging wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and when he was done, he helped me stand up and handed me to dabi, which was a bit weird.

"Take him and give him the clothes, I'll take care of kamis back wound" he told dabi, he nodded and grabbed me from my arm as to help me walk a bit, I looked back at Denks, where he had a worried face. I smiled a bit at him so he could at least not be under the stress of where was I. Dabi leaded me to what looked like a bathroom, where he gave me some of my clothes to change into. In that case I was very grateful for.

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