26- run, boy, run

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Shinsous pov:

"Come on kami, we need to tell Zawa" I told him as I grabbed a new hoodie from my closet and threw it at him. He quickly grabbed it and put it on. A frown on his face, and his hands were slightly shaking. I hated seeing him like this but right now he was my priority, his safety was my priority.

"Grab the hoodie and lets go" I told him softly as I grabbed his hand, he's other hand took the hoodie and nodded at me. His pale face making his freckles appear on his face. I started to pull him out of my room, taking out my phone in the process. I called home, I needed them to know the situation.

"Hey toshi what's u-" mic answered, his voice joyful as ever.

"Come to UA, I think kami has been targeted" there was a bit of silence from the other end, kami was still trembling by my side, walking closely to me. He hasn't said a word since we left. We both putted on our shoes and started to head outside.

"We'll be there" he said more seriously "you know what to do"

"Yeah see you in a bit"

I did know what to do, having two pro heroes as parents gives you a lot of preparation for any kind of situation. Including this one, so I knew I had to keep kami close to me, I knew I had to take the evidence, I knew we had to recall events, I knew I had to head towards Nezu's office. Even if it was really late in the night, Zawa told me Nezu almost never leaves UA.

"Stay close to me, never leave my side" I whispered to him as we trailed the low lighted path towards our destination. We didn't know what could happen in the spawn of a few minutes, so I had to be precautionary, at this kami nodded at me and continued to hold my arm close to him. I felt this horrible sensation in my back, so I just hold him closer too.

"I'm a hero too you know" he said softly, trying to calm himself down, I was just as nervous as he was, this is the real world we are dealing with. This isn't a drill, either of us could get killed at this moment and then what? Do we run or protect. It's just too much of a reality to accept

"I'll never let someone hurt you" he whispered once more, softly smiling at me. I smiled back for a moment before we heard something break from the left side of the way. Both our heads snapped to there, instantly I felt Kami go into alert, me doing the same a few seconds after.

"Kami come-"

"Shh" he shushed me as he slowly approached the sound, it was night and we heard a strange noise on the forest the same day he's targeted. sure going towards the sound is his idea right now. Before he went to far out of my reach I grabbed him by his arm.

"What the hell do you think your doing" I half whispered to him. He's going to get killed and I can't live without him. This 2 days were horrible. What would a lifetime be like. I can't just think about it. He's my soulmate. He's my baby my kitten. I can't think my life without him. Even if he isn't with me, being alive just knowing he's fine is enough.

"If we can see who it is it's gonna be easier" he whispered back to me, as he softly grabbed my hand and took it off from him, continuing his way to the forest. I quickly stood in front of him, panic starting to raise in my head about all the possibilities that may happen. Feeling my throat tighten

"don't leave me, I can't live without you" I told him once I got in front of him, whispering so it was not heard by anyone but him. His face was scared yet brave for his own sake. He looked at me and reached for my cheeks kissing me softly. That was before I saw behind him a kind of hooded figure, a strand of blue hair pecking from it.

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