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Shinsou's pov:

After the heroes arrived, they took Kami away from me to treat his wounds and ask him a few questions. The rest of the villains disappeared once Kany was captured, luckily no one else was hurt. While they gave us the rest of the day off to recover from what had happened, they were still deciding if we stay or go back to U.A. How any of them argued to stay was beyond me.

"Hitoshi, please sit down," Zawa told me as we both waited inside my room for Kami to come back. Everything that had happened was hard to progress, it was a fight and run, it wasn't personal. But after what Kany did, after what she put everyone through, it was hard to believe it wasn't personal.

"I can't, it makes me jittery," I whispered to him as I grabbed Kami's phone and turned it on. It'd been about half an hour since he'd left with the heroes. He looked so tired and done with everything, even seeing him like that hurt. And as my father started to say something else the door opened and Hawks walked in with Denki.

"He's good to go now," Hawks said, a sympathetic smile on his face as he helped Kami to my bed, he held his head in his hands as he closed his eyes. I smiled at Hawks and then looked back at Kami. He laid down slowly, flinching a bit at the pain,

"I think we'll leave you two alone now," Zawa said as he pushed Hawks out the door and closed it behind him. I looked over at Kami who was still lying uncomfortably in the bed, gazing out the window. I really didn't know how to start talking to him so I said the only thing that came to my mind, even if it was simple,

"How are you feeling?" I asked him, sitting at the foot of the bed. I didn't want to do something to scare him or upset him so I was trying to be as cautious as possible. He opened his eyes and looked at me, a small whimper coming from him as he closed his eyes again,

"Scared... could you please come closer... hug me?" He asked as he kept his eyes closed, I heard my heart break at his words. I slowly moved towards him and carefully spooned him close to my body, he shivered for a moment in my touch but stopped as he sunk further into me.

"Should we talk about it?" I asked him gently as I started to softly touch his ear, he took in a deep breath as he slightly shook his head no. I whispered to him a small 'ok' before I gave him a small kiss on his shoulder, just above a small scar he had on it. I could see it since his shirt was a bit big on him.

"Toshi... I can't stop thinking about her, I want to stop thinking about her..." He whispered to me as his voice broke a bit, he sighed as I hugged him a bit tighter,

"I know," I mumbled to him as I used one of my hands to trace above the scars he had on his forearm. He sniffed as he watched me do so, just for a moment before his voice picked up its volume a bit,

"Shin, I can't keep up with this... I'm tired, nothing about this is fair..." He mumbled as small tears fell down his face, I snuggled closer to him as I wiped his tears with my hand before I brought it back down and intertwined his fingers with mine,

"I know baby boy..." I said softly as he leaned into my touch. I let his hand go and started to trace his scar again, it looked like a flower, delicate and neatly carved. How could something so beautiful come from an event so horrible? I felt him sigh, his breathing catching slightly before he spoke,

"I hate my scars... I think they're hideous..." He mentioned as he turned his hand so I could keep touching them. I loved his scars. I loved every single one of them. From his checks to his legs, I adored every single one of them,

"Why?" I asked him as I traced the ones on his other arm. He grabbed my hand and pulled it so now he could see my own forearm, where claw scars were placed over them, caused by the time we were locked up together,

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