34- scenting

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Shinsous pov:

I woke up slowly, it finally was Sunday, a day we could rest and just stay in bed and cuddle all day. But it didn't feel like it. I turned my head to see denki sitting up, bitting on his nail, but not enough to break it. He saw I woke up and the guilty expression he had was gone, being covered by a fake smile.

"Hey toshi... how did you sleep?" He asked softly, taking his hand away from his stomach and softly petting my hair. I closed my eyes at the feeling, my system still booting up. And then, I remembered slowly what happened last night, and the pain from my arm wasn't eased at all, I should go see recovery girl.

"Fine" I whispered softly, slightly sitting up. With the palm of my hand I tried to rub away the leftover sleep, and my streak of sleep nights was almost broken yesterday. I saw how kami flinched a bit at my coldness, but never less still tried to touch me. I felt him grab my chin, but before he could turn my head I grabbed his wrist, making him stop in the process.

"We need to talk" I whispered to him softly, he tensed at the words. He knew that I had found out because his eyes slightly opened up more than what they already were. And when I turned my head to look at him, he had a guilty and sad face, softly brushing his fingers against my chin. He nodded slowly and went back to look at me in the eyes, his golden ones glinting against the sun.

"...how did you-"

"I heard you two talk outside my door" I responded softly, at which he seemed confused, he must be thinking that if I heard them then why wasn't I in my room. He looked around for a moment, bringing his hand back to his stomach. And when his eyes landed on the balcony, he looked back at me in panic.

"You didn't jump out, did you!?" He told me, at which I just nodded. His face was full of horror as he stared at me. He was probably thinking what the hell was wrong with me, well the thing is that I'm madly in love with him. And love makes you do crazy things. Since I didn't responde he asked again.

"Well are you ok?!" His panicked voice bouncing around the room, softly touching my face and analyzing it, then touching my arms and focusing on the bandaged one. He looked up at me for a moment before he started to take it off. I started to think he was taking it off for another reason.

And I was right as soon as the bandage was off, he turned my hand around and softly touched my scars. He looked back up at me and I saw how a tear rolled down his cheek. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to think but now he was hugging me, I was hesitant on touching him, but did. Placing my hands on his lower back.

"Don't ever do it again ok?" He said softly, I heard him sob, and the pull slightly away. He grabbed my cheeks and looked at my face for a moment. Before speaking once again. "You are to important to me, I can't loose you" he said softly, once again he tried to kiss me, but just before he was about to kiss me I talked.

"But not enough to kiss him?" I whispered to him, at which he gasped softly, pulling slowly away. I untangled my hands from behind his back, he went back to his previous position. He looked at me, hesitant to say something, at which I just raised my eyebrow at him. When he saw my actions he looked away, laying against my headboard.

"I'm sorry... it's just that-"

"That what? You still love him? You want to go back to him? Fine go ahead, I told you I would support you on anything...but Kami talk to me" I said as I finally turned my body to look at him, he was shook by the many words I threw at him. He stared at me for a moment before responding, a firm tone in his voice.

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