12- perfect

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A/N: y'all consent is important, never ignore it, also Probably this chapter will be longer than the rest so enjoy, I'll put a Singh when the deed is done since I know there are people who do not like to read smutt
Denki's pov:

"Are you sure you want this?" Bitch if I wasn't sure before I am now, it's just the way he cares for me, it makes me want him even more. The way he thinks I'm the most delicate thing in the world drives me crazy.

I could already feel the slick forming on my pants. I wanted this, I really did. I wanted my first time to be with toshi. I wanted him to make me his, and only his. I wanted to make him feel good.

"Yes, yes please I want you so bad" I said as I started to kiss him again. "I want you alpha" as the last words left my mouth I could see his pupils dilate at the words, I could see how he stared at me deeply. I could feel the hunger in his eyes.

"Oh- oh god, kami you shouldn't have said that" he said as he started painfully slowly taking of his own shirt, revealing his beautifully toned body. "You should say things like that kitten~" the playfulness in his tone making me shiver.

He leaned back down kissing me, I instantly tangled my hands through his hair. I could feel his hands trying to unmake my pants, he struggled a bit but got it in the end he got them off and threw them somewhere on the floor. In the mean time I felt as he bit on my lower lip to ask for entrance, granting for it instantly his tongue dance around mine, making me spew out unholy sounds.

Then feeling him moving onto my neck, seeing how he started to undo his own pants, making me see how much he was actually turned on. He slowly started to make his way around my neck looking for that sweet spot. "Ah-h toshi" I mewled out as I felt him suck in an specific place, it was right on my collarbone.

"Oh baby~ if others could hear the slutty sounds I force out of you" he said as he continued to suck on the same place, leaving a small hickey behind. At this point I couldn't form words, I could only concentrate on the small waves of electrical pleasure I was receiving.

Toshi stoped for a moment to reposition himself, he had one leg in between mine and both his hands next to my head. Slowly but surely he started to grind his knee against my crotch, my breath immediately hitched at the touch, the so amazing touch. Even this small amount of friction felt amazing

"Look at you baby, already dripping for me huh?" He said as he started to kiss down to my chest, slightly playing with one of my nipples with his tongue, bitting and liking it, I shivered at his touch and slightly arched my back. "Nghaa s-stop teasing please" I whispered to him. "So needy baby" he said as he continued to kiss down my body. Soon enough arriving at my v-line.

With his teeth he grabbed onto my waist band and pulled my boxers off. Looking at me in the process, never taking his eyes away from me. He looked so confident on what he was doing.

My member sprang up with a bit of pre-cum on its tip, toshi eyes me and slowly licked his lips, a small moan made its way out of my mouth at the sight. He moved his head down never taking his eyes of me and waited for a sign to proceed. "P-please" I whispered at him. With this he smirked and teasingly licked from the base of my dick to the top. The sensation of his warm tongue against my skin made me moan in response. I could see his own dick twitch at the sight.

He then started to swirl his tongue at the top, cleaning it from the pre-cum that was setting there. "Toshi p-please stoAhHh" I couldn't even finish my sentence before being cut off by toshi taking my whole length, slowly bobbing his head up and down, tracing around with his tongue. The whole sensation was magical. I was so deep in lust and desire I was a moaning mess beneath him.

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