4- back and forth

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Denki's pov

I stared at my phone's screen. The message was from the person I wanted to hear about the least. There, displayed before me was a message from Mina. And it wasn't only a message this time but it actually had an attachment. As soon opened it my stomach started turning and tossing around. My mind felling foggy as I struggled to keep myself on my feet. Thank god I didn't have breakfast.

I stopped on my tracks and just stared at my phone. After about a minute or so. Bakugou and kiri noticed I had stopped and was a bit behind the road. They looked at each other and kiri shrugged, not really knowing what had just happened. Kiri started making his way to me, Bakugou followed after.

Bakugou with his usual scowl rushed towards me with his usual bad posture. Stomping with every step he made in his way. He stopped in front of me, but I didn't looked up at him. I felt already the tears forming on my eyes and a lump form on my throat, unconsciously and lowly whimpering to myself.

"Hey dunce face, are you trying to make me late or what the...fuck?" He slowly started to talk lower and more, how do I put it... softly. I looked up to look at his face and behind his eyes and frown I could see concern. That's when I noticed the silent stream of tears roll down my cheeks onto my jaw. Warm and salty tears made their way down onto my mouth as well.

"Denki what happened?" I heard kiri say behind Bakugou, who just looked at me, like trying to figure me out m. I battled myself inside my head to show them the text or not. Knowing that if I did they would kill Mina, well no they but more like Bakugou. I know they both loved her very much, her and sero were an essential part in all of our life's. But this, this was crossing a line. It's almost so far past the line you can't see the line anymore. In the end I chimed in. I knew I couldn't hide any longer. I wasn't that type of person.

"It's just that..." I started, both looking at me attentively. I just decided to raise my phone with my already shaking hands and showed them. Kiri grabbed my phone to make it easier to read. What I expected to happen was for insults to come out their mouths, them being that I deserved this and that I had to have seen it coming. That this is how an omega must be treated. But in the end, they never came. Because I knew my friends better than this and knew they couldn't hurt me. At least not them.

They both read carefully the text message. And I knew they finished when the demeanor in their aura changed. Bakugou looked like he was about to fucking explote anything in his way. I felt his protective pheromones pour out slightly. On the other hand Kiri looked kinda disappointed and disbelieving of what he saw.

The text message consisted on a sentence and an image. But it was enough to be evil and inconsiderate. It was enough to make anybody feel like trash. It was enough to bring anyone down. Nobody should be treated this way.

'Look at what your missing, I knew he didn't love you. Nobody does... it's interesting to see how a few good compliments fool anyone around us, even u bby' under it, the image was composed on Mina sitting on seros lap. Basically eating each others face off. Mina had only her bra and skirt on. Sero was right under her shirtless but not pantless. I could see it was Sero's room since everything around them was decorated with terra tones. The same terra tones I've seen thousands of times. Over his bed there lies his shirt and tie. Minas shirt was nowhere to be seen. I knew she took the picture since her pink arm stretched over to the side. While sero seemed to not know about what was happening.

"Denks is this what you were talking about in the showers? Is this why Sero was acting so weird yesterday?" I heard kiri ask softly, I could hear the caution in his voice not to hurt me. He really was a good friend.

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