37- Izuku

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Shinsous pov:

Kami didn't go into heat right away, it was more like a warning wave, now he's resting on his room, deep asleep. I smelled so much like him I had to take a shower and change clothes, but todo didn't do the same. He said it didn't really bothered him smelling like Izuku because it was almost like scenting. Bakugou was mad, he had to go away because Izuku scent was driving him crazy, kiri of cours went with him.

I was looking at kami for a moment before giving him a kiss in the forehead, leaving him and going back downstairs, most of the people were there. I went down and noticed neither todo or mido were with the group. Bakugou looked pissed and kiri was talking with him, he had a worried look on his face.

When I entered they all turned to look at me, and they noticed I didn't have the blonde omega with me. They all kept looking at me for a moment before I knew they weren't kidding about kamis whereabouts, after all he's being chased around.

"He's sleeping" I said softly as I sat on one of the couches, they all were relieved. I decided to sit with tokoyami, tsu sipping tea and sitting next to him. They were all talking about the upcoming picnic, about who brings what and what does everyone do.

"Hey shin" I heard, I was pulled out of thought, thinking about Kami and his mental health, he had been through a lot, I wonder if he's just bottling everything up. I looked up to see how uraraka had called my name.

"Do you think you and kami could get the drinks for that day" she asked, her hair was being braided by Iida, who somehow managed to do a square braid, how is that even posible. I snapped out of it and nodded.

"What kind of drink?" I asked as I took out my phone, I would probably forget it, so typing it would be best. I was ready to type and she looked at me a bit confused but quickly understood.

"Oh okay how about some soda and-"

"You bicolored bitch" we heard from the other side of the room, noticing how shoto had just comed back to us, they all did the same thing they did with me, he just easily responded. "He's taking precautions"

"No not that one, wait what?" Uraraka continued unconsciously, noticing the ambiance of the room had changed completely. the two alphas looking at each other from across the room, I saw how kiri tightened his grip around bakugous arm.

"What is your problem Bakugou?" Todoroki calmly asked as he sat on the couch next to Iida, but his eyes didn't say calm, they reported alert and ready to fight, he was just trying to keep his cool.

"My problem is that you are going to spend Deku's heat with him" he gritted, not raising his voice more than he already had, we all looked at him, why would he care? Didn't he hate Izuku, well he does, that's the situation we all know.

"Why? It's not like you want to help him, you hate him" todo said from his seat, this conversation was getting really tense by the moment. It was almost as if todo was taking him up for a challenge. Bakugou remained silent hesitating and cursing to himself about what he was about to say, he's putting his pride away for a moment, thinking carefully about the answer for a moment before responding.

"I... don't hate him, he was my best friend... and I fucking ruined it" he said with a restrained voice, as if he said it louder then his fear of it being his fault would become true, even if it already was. Everyone slightly grasped at his statement, we had all seen how he is with mido.

Then I remembered something denki mentioned earlier, something about him thinking mido had a helper and how he thought they were on class 1-a, but this was his first heat without them. Their last heat was about a mont or a month and a half ago. It hit me, Bakugou was helping him, that's why their relationship had become better, and when they both got boyfriends it may had been that they cut it off, but then would it be possible Bakugou caught feelings?

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