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Shinsous pov:


He sounded so fragile, so broken. His touch was cold, he was drenched in water. I just wanted to hug him. I missed his soft features. I missed his scent. I missed him.

"What the hell are yo-"

"No no, shut up. Just let me talk first" he cut me off, I was surprised he went straight to the point. He's cold and drenched and probably gaining a cold. I at least wanted to bring him inside but he wouldn't budge. His feet stayed planted in the rain.

"Look I fucked up, I fucked I'm so bad. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't let you talk, and I'm sorry I disappeared from you"

This little fragile omega was standing in front of me trembling in the cold and the only thing he could think about was saying sorry. I was mad at him yes. But I loved him and seeing him like this broke my heart.

"No wait kami, let me talk." I started, he was looking at me with his eyes full of tears, holding for dear life on my hand, softly trembling against my warm touch. It was even harder to scold him.

"I haven't known from you in about two days" I started, feeling the rage and exasperation building in me. I couldn't stand there and watch him say sorry I just couldn't, it hurts more seeing him say sorry than actually not hearing from him.

"A-and I was so worried, all I could ever think about was if you were doing okay. If you were ever going to forgive me" I said as I removed my hand from his cheek, leaving him without a warm source. Starting to slowly walk towards him, he was slowly backing up. starting to feel the rain slowly drench my shirt and my hair, but I didn't care.

"And now" I said as I started to feel my eyes fill up with tears. I was so worried about him and THIS is how he shows up, he's worse than when I last saw him. It enraged me that he didn't take care of himself. He just stared at me wide eyed. Grabbing his arms as to not feel so cold, or to feel some kind of comfort.

"Now I can finally see you a-and" I whispered, stopping to stand in front of him. I could smell his distressed scent mixing with the rain. But all I could do was focus on his golden eyes, his beautiful eyes. I missed them so much. I sighed and continued

"You didn't have any right to ignore me" I said as I started to pace from side to side. I started to comb my hair back so it doesn't fall into my face again. Feeling the tear drops mix with the rain ones. My scent was also coming as a distressed. I had my omega in front of me, my alpha was screaming to protect him, but I couldn't until he understood how much harm he made me.

"You can't just cut me out of your life kami... it just doesn't work like that." I said as I finally looked back at him. "It drove me crazy not knowing about you, kami you are one of the most important people in my life, you're my omega. I missed you so godam much"

His nose and cheeks had a really adorable pink on them. It was probably from the cold, but he still looked adorable. Yet his eyes were filled with tears, a small whine came from him. As he saw I finally had finished talking he looked up and hesitated to talk, I caught a small 'fuck' before he actually spoke up.

"I know" he finally whispered as he also took the hair off his face, looking away from me. He was way more drenched than me, but he somehow looked beautiful. In my eyes he'll always be beautiful, even when I'm kinda mad at him.

"I know I had no right to cut you out ok?" He said as he finally looked back up at me. A small whine coming from his voice.

"I just... it hurts, a life without you hurts" he said still looking at me, his face keeping the same hurt yet hopefull expression in his face. "Thinking about it just makes me want to cry, I-I didn't know what else to do. I'm sorry" he said a bit more softly. He didn't want to hurt anybody, yet he hurt me. And I think that really got him.

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