39- Kitty

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Smutt warning

Shinsous pov:

It was now kamis second day of heat, he told me it hasn't hurt that much, but today it seemed that it had been stronger, his heat waves had been getting longer than usual.

As for food I usually text someone and they bring it to us leaving it outside, then they leave so I can collect them. It seems that it's the only time we can rest a bit. And in the night when kami sleeps I stay awake, I'm worried that's it's getting bad for him so I stay awake just in case something happens.

Now I was tying the collar around his neck while he clipped on the ears. Was this weird? Probably, but we both wanted to do this so I'll ignore that thought. Besides how bad can this be? when I looked up at him he looked adorable, his golden eyes looking at me and his blushing cheeks making his small freckles stand out.

"You look adorable kitten" I said as I pulled on his leash, making him blush even more at my words, he smiled at me and brought me in for a kiss. Softly pulling the back of my hair, and asking for entrance, I slightly opened my mouth feeling how his tongue brushed against my cheeks and tongue. I leaned softly as his other hand was softly touching my chest.

"Hey, we need a safe word" he said as he looked at my messy hair, taking a couple of strings and placed them on their correct spot, I looked at him as he concentrated on my hair. As he finished I could start to smell his pheromones come to my nose

"How about red?" I told him as I started to softly trace his stomach, which he melted into my touch, his breathing increasing and unconsciously laying on his back, he nodded at me as he started to pull me down with him by my neck. I felt him buck his hips upwards, I pulled on his chain, at the action he stopped, whining a bit when he did so.

"Let me treat you this afternoon, you just relax kitten" I whispered in his ear, he groaned in response as I started to kiss his neck, slowly going down to his collar bone and bitting down on the crook of his neck. He shivered at the action and wrapped his legs around my waist, just for a moment before bringing them down again.

"But if you misbehave, I'm going to have to punish you kitten, understood?" I demanded as I kissed him on the lips, he smirked at me and I saw how his lust filled eyes gazed into mine. I kissed him again, slowly grinding my cock gains his, making him moan into the kiss. I pulled into the leash, making him moan once again.

"Understood?" I whispered to him he once again didn't respond, i pulled on the leash, grinding my hips harder than before. He bit his lip and kept looking at me, adoring the sensations that were traveling all over his body, this was fun.

"Y-yes master" he whispered, tracing his hands down my body, I thought I could take a bit out of the situation and brought my fingers to his mouth, he immediately opened it and started sucking. The view was amazing, my kitty was sucking on my fingers to let me ravage him.

"Did I mention you have a gods tongue" I whispered to him as I reached for a condom and riped it open with my mouth. He kept on sucking with his tongue twirling around my fingers, which reminded me the day he blew me. I swear to god his talent was like a forbidden fruit.

"You drive me crazy baby" I whispered to him as I putted on the condom, he moaned a bit. I took my fingers out of his mouth and took off his leash, but left the collar on. He looked back at me and licked his lips, he saw me take my hand down to his ass.

"Fuck me daddy, fuck your kitten" he told me as he kissed me softly, I smirked at him and felt even more turned on. More than what I've been in all his heat. I kissed him and then bit his tongue slightly, sucking on it while he panted, observing my every move. I introduced one finger into him, making him tense for a second before relaxing, even if he was already stretched out I just wanted to be a bit cautious with him.

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