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Shinsous pov:

"Hey are you busy? Can we meet up... it's been a long time and I just want to really say thank you in person"

"Sure I'll meet you, where~"

"I'll send you the address"

I ended the call and sighed, kami had been with his family the past few days after the hospital release and I finally had the guts to call. When Aizawa had told me toga helped them I couldn't believe it, I mean she had tortured me and Kami and yet she wanted to help us. So knowing kami is busy I decided to finally call her.

I started to head towards the shady part of town, she'd probably feel better there since it's her play zone and she knows it very well. I send her the address of an old building, I had my trust on myself and on her knowing I would come back safely. I did wanted to take kami out on a date, a real one, where it's just the two of us, but first I needed to do this.

I pulled my hoodie up and placed my face mask on, I didn't need recognition at the moment, I just needed to get this done and get away. I kept walking as many people started to talk to me, I just ignored them and continued my path towards the location, i promised to see kami in about two hours so I had to be quick too.

I finally made it to the building and jumped the fence to get inside, I was almost sure toga was already inside so I just had to be a bit more carefull. I started to roam through the unused space as I heard some drops fall onto the floor. And the I felt her, a small breeze coming from my left, and then my right, and before I knew it I had to doge a knife.

"Come out, I know you're here" I said out loud as I heard her giggle, the she grabbed my hand and spun me around until her face was just inches away.

"Well well well... hello toshi-boy~" she said as she snickered a bit, I pulled away from her grasp. She smiled at me as she played with the tip of her knife, I just tried not to panic.

"Look I just came here to say that I'm very thankful for what you did, if it weren't for you Denks would probably be in there, right now, being transported through UAs underground system for omegas trafique... so I just wanted to really say thank you himiko"

"You know I didn't do it for him right?" She said as she started to walk around a bit.

"Yeah, but you kept my omega safe" I told her as she kept walking around, I followed her around with my eyes, I didn't need her disappearing from my view.

"Himiko I just wanted to let you know that if there's anything you need well... you already have my phone number" I said as a small smile made its way onto my face, she smiled brightly back as she started walking to the entrance.

"I know, thank you for helping me escape because I didn't want to go with them"

"I already told you it's fine, not everyone wants to be saved"

And with that she left, I gave her a small head start as we both silently agreed to play one last time. When we were kids we would race across the roof tops, trying to see who would win, and now it was time to play one last time. So I headed outside.

And as we both were jumping on roof tops, not paying attention to the world under us, it felt like I was a child again, and it was just me and her. Through the afternoon as the sun hided and the moon took over to rule their kingdom, the world me and himiko were children again, escaping from reality, once more.

After we were done and she left I started to head towards kamis house. I haven't actually seen it but I do know it's a huge mansion, so I was heading over there now. I decided I wouldn't walk that far away so I just ubered there. About half an hour later the car stopped and I payed

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