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If you want a clearer picture of how to dance bachata just look it up on yt, I think it would help a bit.

Denki's pov:

It's been a few days since I've seen him, toshi and I agreed to go on a date since we really never went on a proper one. So here I was letting two of my sisters put some eyeliner on me as I felt a small knot on my stomach form thanks to me feeling very nervous.

"God you're so handsome" Rya said to me as she finished up, I smiled at her as I looked over to Phia, who was carefully choosing my outfit. So I stood up from the chair and went up to her.

"I like the fishnets" I said to her as I looked at what she had prepared, it was a purple shirt with black shorts and boot gray converse, long fishnet stockings and an over side jacket. I got to admit they both had great sense of fashion and I will be grateful if that.

They had finally told me they finished my treatments and I could go back to hero training in no time, so me and toshi had taken the opportunity to just be by ourselves. He said he'd take me out to eat and then I could choose what I wanted to do after, but I already had something in mind.

"Here we'll leave to let you get ready Denks"

"And don't forget to call us when your safely back at the dorms"

"Yeah yeah now go!" I said with a small giggle, they finally left my room and I started to change clothes. I was very excited, shin and I haven't been able to spend much time together because well school is starting again and both him and I have been caught up on our own stuff. We just both thought it would be nice to have some alone time.

I started to scroll on my phone before I received a text from shoto. He told me about what had gone down with Izu and Bakugo, and I have the feeling he and kiri had been spending some time together so... that's new. I talked with him for a bit before he told me he had to leave. So I just laid on my bed waiting for toshi to arrive as I watched some movie.

Then I heard the door bell, so I stood up and made my way to the front door. Before I could open it I heard someone call me, I looked around until my eyes fell on Angie. She was holding a glass of wine as she threw something at me, cash and a... condom

"What the fuck" I half shouted as I looked at her, she just winked and walked away. I scoffed as I placed both items on my pocket and opened the door. In front of me toshi was leaning against the door frame as he looked at me. My mouth dropped at how good he looked, he on the other hand took another double look on me.

"Holy fuck... I-I mean hey" he said as he kept on looking at me, I smirked as I closed the door behind me and kissed his cheek. The dumbfounded alpha just let me pull him away from the door as we both hopped into his car. He looked at me one last time before he started the car and started to drive away from my house.

"Where are we going love?" I asked him as I intertwined our fingers together, he smiled at me before putting on some music.

"I was thinking we could go and eat sushi"

"Ohh fuck yeah" I said as I turned a bit up the volume of the music, the roads were half empty as the beautiful moon shined down on us. We had a couple of days before we had to go back to school and these kind of nights were what brought peace to me.

"Hey kami" he asked as he softly played around with my fingers, I turned to look at him as his eyes were focused on the road. He looked at me for a second before squeezing my hand.

"Are you happy with me?"

"Of course I am honey, I- I couldn't ask for anyone better, why are you asking this all of a sudden?" I asked as I turned my whole body to look at him.

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