53- untied

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Hawks pov:

I tried to bandage as best as I could shinsous arm, in the storage room I got there wasn't much to work with, he seemed to have passed out. I turned to see dabs trying to carefully treat Denki's leg, his wound deep and painful for him, denki flinched every now and then until his leg was finally wrapped up.

I looked back at shinsou, he had passed out, I moved over to his leg, the flesh was completely destroyed. I don't really know with what object toga had done such a thing but it made some serious damage. After I finished wrapping and cleaning the wound I went over to touyas side, he was carefully cleaning the side of kamis arm.

"What the fuck is wrong with her"

"Kei she's just a kid" he whispered softly to me, denki slightly opened his eyes, his head resting in his other hand as he looked over at his lover. I looked back at toya and couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in their places, luckily for me we weren't. I couldn't get them out of here, that would put many life's in danger, especially theirs.

"Want to go closer to him, we'll help you" I offered kami, his tired eyes looked up at me and shined, his face lighted up as he softly nodded. I looked over at touya as he slowly reached for kamis arm, helping him get up slowly, kami flinched a bit but continued to stand on one of his legs.

"You good kid?" I asked him softly as I took his other side, he took in a deep breath and started to limb forward, nodding at me at the same time. Toya helped him until he was infront of shin, he grabbed a chair and settled it there for kami to sit, he sat down with some struggle before he looked back at shin.

"Dabs, the door" I told him softly as I took some steps back. He nodded and went to lock them, they were only accessible with a key I had and currently there was no one else here. It was our turn to 'torture' them, but on command of the heroes we were advised to help them through the time we had. I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head being burried into my back, I placed my hand over dabis and tightened my grip over it.

"Hitoshi?" I heard kami whisper, he took his hand and grabbed it softly, his fingers tracing over what looked like a ring. His other hand cupped shinsous cheek, slowly stroking it in his hands. I held my breath in anticipation, of what? Him waking up.

I saw how he leaned onto kaminaris touch, slowly opening his eyes. At first he looked around, slightly taking his hand away from his lover, and then when he realized what was happening he finally spoke up.

"Denki? Oh my fucking god" he mumbled while sobbing, his hands immediately reached for Denki's face and kissed him softly, crying after he pulled away, connecting their foreheads together. Denki smiled sadly as he chuckled softly at his boyfriend's action, his own tears stained his cheeks

"How are you feeling" I heard denki whisper to shinsous, he sighed and mumbled something to him, at which denki laughed sadly. They kept crying and holding the other for some moments, pressing some kisses here and there.

"Fuck I hate this" shinsou whispered to denki as he leaned a bit forwards to rest his forehead on Denki's shoulder. Denki only hummed in agreement as he slowly reached his hand to pet his boyfriends hair. He sobbed a bit more and took a deep breath.

"I know I hate seeing you tied up" Denki whispered as he let some more tears escape his eyes. Shin inhaled deeply and stayed there for a moment resting his head on Denki's shoulder. My grip on my mates hand got tighter at the sight, I can't imagine what they are going through.

"Fuck" I heard from behind me, I turned slightly my head to see touya burring his face on my neck, a soft sob coming from him. He never cried in front of people, he only did it when we were alone. I turned around to let him hug me from the front. He immediately burried his face on my chest again.

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