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Denki's pov

Let's go back to the beginning of the day so you can have the other side of the story. Why and how I know about Monoma, it's all there

After shinsou left I slept for about 10 more minutes. That's when a knock on my door was heard and I had to go answer. I didn't know who to expect so I just opened the door.

That's when a small tuff of green hair, and his bicolor non boyfriend made their way to my view "Hey kami, we made breakfast and we thought you'd want to come eat some" I just yawned and nodded at them. I followed behind while they talked about something. I didn't really know. I was too lost in thought to even apprehend my surroundings.

I missed when toshi left, I really did. I have been with only him this past few days, so being without him just felt weird. At least this time he told me before leaving. I hated to wake up to no cute alpha by my side.

I sat down on the table and flinched a bit, my ass hurts but it's nothing unbearable. I laid there for a while while I waited for todo and midoriya. I was feeling really hot, the summer air slowly heating up in the morning. So I did the first thing to come to mind. I took of my shirt and placed it on my lap.

I slightly raised my head to look up at the happy non-yet-couple. They looked very cute together, I saw as they served three plates with toast and eggs. Then todo gave me one of the plates before handing the other to Midoriya.

"You assholes better not ruin the goddam kitchen" I heard from the hallway as I turned around I expected to see a blond hot headed alpha, yep that's Bakugou. He looked well rested tho, next to him kiri was half asleep clinging onto his arm. Snuggling closer to him, it didn't look like Bakugou minded. God I swear if someone sees them in public they will asume that they are together.

"Don't worry kacchan, we won't disturbe either you or your boyfriend" Izuku said in a mocking tone. At this Bakugou became extremely flustered, kiri just continued half asleep.

"I'll fucking kill you deku" he said with a small playful smirk on his face, at this statement Izuku jumped behind todoroki, it was nice seeing this two getting along. But it also just made me miss shinsou even more.

"Please don't fight it's too early for this" a third voice said, from behind Bakugou three of the girls made an appearance. It was Yaomomo, Tsu and Jirou. Yaomomo was the one who made the statement. I liked it better when she had her hair down, it was pretty and also really long.

They all sat around the table while Bakugou and kiri made their way to the kitchen to prepare more breakfast. I started talking with tsu, personally I think she's adorable, but she's really straight forward. She fears nothing, and that scares me.

Then I looked over at Jirou who was talking with Yaomomo. She was really red, is she really not sick, I think she would with how flustered she is. I didn't put more attention to it until tsu made me a question.

"Hey kaminari-kun, why don't you have your shirt on?" Oh shit I had forgotten about that. I choked on my toast at the sudden question, I'm telling you, fearless and straight forward.

After I calmed myself down I answered "Ahh yeah sorry, is just that when I first came here it was too hot, so I took it off" I answered, I took my shirt from my lap and putted it back on. She made a sniffing motion before she continued.

"Why do you smell like Shinsous scent?"

Shit, I didn't realize before I came down. Of course we slept together, in both ways. I must reek of his scent. I looked around the table and there were some confused stares at me. Then I saw todo, Baku, and kiri smirk at me, of course they would.

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