1- lies

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Denki's pov
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I just stared at sero in disbelief, I just couldn't believe what I had just read. For starters I don't think I was even meant for to see the text messages he was exchanging with Mina.

Fucking Mina one of my best friends. Mina the person I trusted no to hurt me. The person that I had told my secrets to. The person considered almost family to me. She was the person my boyfriend was cheating on me with. They were flirting while he was cuddling with me, she knew that for so long I wanted to be with sero.

She knew that he was the one person I was head over heals for. And she still went ahead with him. Not only I felt betrayed, but being an omega -the lowest of the sub-genders- I felt used. By both of them. I felt like an omega is supposed to feel.





Everything that I had been denied by sero is just being proved in front of my eyes. Everything I feared that was going to real was just being handed to me and shoved into my head telling me it was only the truth and nothing else. The only thing I could do was stare at his phone screen. There displayed in front of me was the conversation. There was the proof that I just wasn't enough for him. The proof I was hopping I would never find.

The conversation was going on with him telling her everything he usually told me. He was using the same words he used on me. He was treating her as if she were me. And apparently this wasn't the first time. This has been going for about a month or so. A fucking month of being used over and over again. Of being lied to. The words that sero was spitting out of his mouth just came as mumbling to me. I couldn't proses anything that was happening at the moment and I'm sure my face must be terrible for the way he was looking at me. I thought he was the one, I really did.

"...Denks, baby please believe me when I tell you that it didn't mean anything is just that we, we were having some company of our own since I know that you wanted to save us for your marking...baby Denks please say something...please" was the only few things that registered on me from all the other ones he was saying

"Having company? Ha-having fucking company hanta? Seriously? I- I just I cant... why? Why go ahead and do this when you know it would hurt me. Wh-why go on and with my- no, no let me correct myself. OUR fucking friend. Oh and let me remind you not only that but for a fucking month? And you were still gonna mark me" were the few things I could actually choke out. I was at this point crying softly. Tears streaming down my cheeks onto my neck and shirt. It felt warm but I didn't mind. And then reality hit me.

"oh my god. Yo-you were gonna mark me. You were gonna claim me. You were gonna fucking mate me while che-cheating with her? I- what the fuck is wrong with you. Sero what the hell were you even thinking. I was so close to giving you my fucking life. I just... I don't know what to think anymore" and i really didn't, I was about to give this man my life. I was about to hive him everything and willingly. And he wasn't gonna stop me. Maybe if I would have never seen the messages I would already be doomed. I just started passing back and forth in front of my bed. The bed that held us both at night of endless sleep.

"no no no Denks baby. Don't say that please don't say that, I really wanted to be with you I really did, and I still do! Please just let me explain. Let me repair this don't let it end like this. Don't push me away just yet please. I'm begging you. Denki my baby, my sunshine don't-"at this point he was crying with me, he just stopped talking lies. He stopped talking just to look at my face for any kind of reaction. For any kind of signal. But I wouldn't give it to him. I wouldn't show him that I wanted to forgive him, I really did.

"Sero no. Stop just stop. Stop trying to make this right, stop trying to turn this around. You screwed this up. You ruined everything and everything changed... Six months sero, I gave away six months of my life just to be with you. I gave away my love and time for you. Hell I was about to give you my very soul. But y-you just had to screw it up. I- I can't forgive you right now-" was all I could say before he cut me of

"Denki no please don't do this, I know you don't want to do this. I know you still love me. And I still love you. I only love YOU" he said as he stood up to stop me and started kissing my neck and jawline, I almost craved in but returned to my senses.

"No sero i said stop" i started as I pushed him away "I need to get away from you know. I need to think this over. Just go please sero please go. When I see you I just picture her with you. I-I just can't see you the same way. Just please leave I need to figure all this out." I said before continuing in a colder tone, taking his hands off me "you may be a fucking alpha but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like this"

His eyes widened, I knew this hurt him and I knew what they would do to him. And that's exactly why I said them. He knew that I felt weak, and he always reassured me that being and alpha meant nothing and that it didn't change the way he would treat me. I know those words hit home to him. 

"Denks please just..." he said

"Kaminari sero, kaminari" i spewed back

"no baby, Denks don't do this please"he repeated

"Kaminari I said... and I would appreciate it if you left" I said with tears streaming still down my cheeks. They just never seemed to end.

"Fine, I'll leave. I'll let you think and give you some space. But I will come back for you denki kaminari. I won't give up on us or what we have" he said now just sobbing his tears already came to a stop.

"I thought you already did" was all I could say. More like whispered but I still knew he heard me for the expression on his face. With that he grabbed his phone and left. He left his sweater, and I know he did it in purpose. But I'm not giving in. I grabbed it and placed it on a the bottom drawer of my closet. All I wanted to do was sleep I felt so exhausted, it was all I wanted to do. I'll deal with this later. I just need a break

Hey author here, idk for being the first chapter this hurt so much to write but don't worry just a little more and fluf will be coming. If you have any suggestions please tell me. :)

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