29-a week

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Smutt warning (shinsou be happy)

Denki's Pov:

Mewls and moans were heard across the room, I could feel him suck and mark my neck, he was being more aggressive than usual, from time to time I could hear a possessive growl pass through his lips.

"Someone is jealous" I whispered to him as I slightly pushed forward to him, he was still biting and marking my neck, passing his hands under my shirt. I felt a how he started to go down to my scent gland, slowly licking it and biting softly at it, my body reacted and I felt the need of him marking me, but we couldn't do that now.

"N-no, shin you can't" I told him seriously, he slightly gripped my stomach tighter as I felt the pressure increase bit more. After some time just biting it he finally pulled away, I saw how his canines were fully elongated now.

"I know" he said as he pecked my lips once "you know I won't do anything you don't want to" he said as he slowly started to pull up my shirt. I bit my lip as I saw him, glaring my body with his eyes, filing up with lust.

"And if I tell you I want you to rail me?" I asked him as I took the bottom of his shirt and took it off in one swift. The marks I had done some days prior had already started to disappear, so I wanted to do new ones. He chuckled lightly and kissed me once again, I pushed him away slightly

"Strip" I told him as I propped myself up with my elbows to have a good look at him, he got off my lap and got on his knees, pulling a bit down his pants and boxers, teasing me and showing me his v line.

"Take it off" I said as I sat up, leaning on my hands, feeling I got more and more horny by the minute, he was about to take of his pants and we heard a knock on the door. He turned to me and signaled me to stay quiet, so I did.

"I know you are in there shin" we heard Mido say from outside, he groaned and fell on me, making me fall back onto the bed. A groan coming from him before he covered himself with a blanket.

"I'm going to cry" he whispered to me as he signaled to me to open the door. I quickly took his shirt and putted it on, making my way to the door and opening it, seeing how Mido was standing there, he had a few love marks on his neck.

"Oh hey kami, we were going to watch a movie with kacchan and kiri, and well shoto and were wondering if you and shin wanted to go" he said as he eyed my appearance, lingering his eyes on the love marks. Slowly making sense on what we were doing, and evil smirk on his face as he laid against the door frame.

"Anyways it's in about two hours downstairs ok? Make sure shin doesn't break you" he said as he pointed to him laying in the bed. Toshi still looking at me with lust in his eyes. He flipped Mido off, which at he just laughed. "See you later" and with that he was out the door again.

"You look hot mister" toshi said as he petted his lap for me to sit, I took of the shirt and tossed it somewhere in the room, going back next to him. Sitting on top of his stomach and kissing him once more.

"Weren't you going to cry?" I asked him teasingly, he rolled his eyes at me and squeezed my ass, making me jump slightly at the touch, he propped himself up and kissed me again. More hungrily now. "Can you ride me now?" He asked as he pushed my hips lower, finally grinding them together, making me lightly squeeze his shoulders and bite my lip, throwing slightly my head back at the sensation.

"Please, oh please ride me" he said as he did this once more, loving the view he was getting.

Smut begins~

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