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Denki's pov:
God fucking dammit
Why did no one ever told me about heartbreak? This hurts so much even weeks later. And I can't stop staring at the back of toshi's head, his hair looks so soft and I can't help but remember how nice it was to just pet it.

I miss him so much it's actually killing me, and not only me but I can't seem to want anyone else. I've tried to move on, and I've tried to fix it, either way nothing I do will make the pretty alpha get out of my head. Now as Aizawa sensei talks about some project we will be working on I wonder what the boy is thinking about, what I'd give to hear him say I love you once more.

I can feel my heart ache at the thought of it. Why do these sorts of things only happen to me? Am I cursed or something, I'm so tired of staying up late crying and then pretending everything is fine and I don't crave that scent that used to bring me comfort. I've gotten better but it's not like I'm a brand new person, this kind of thing takes time

"...I don't care how many of you protest I'm choosing the pairs, we will get started now" Aizawa sensei declared before rising up from his chair, he took out a piece of paper and started to write on the board. I turned to kiri to ask what the hell was going on since I was lost in thought.

"Dude, aizawa was talking about the combination of quirks assignment, remember? Where you partner up with someone and find a way both your quirks can work out together."

"Oh yeaaah, and then at the end of the semester we would test our theories out right?" I added as I looked over at my friend, who just nodded repeatedly before he turned back to the board. Of course there were a few rules we had to play by but besides that it felt quite fun, and distracting from the oh so delicious scent coming from in front of me. I then decided to look past toshi's head towards the board.

"Well there is no trading or no changing... unless you have a good enough argument to change my mind, now get together and go work" Aizawa sensei declared before slipping down his seat on his desk and picking up a book. I finally looked over to the board, only to realize just my fucking luck.

"Any ideas kaminari?" Shin turned to me before looking at me with his beautiful eyes. I was dumbfounded because ever since the accident, he has not spoken to me more than 3 words. He looked at me unsurprised because it's been a long time and I've just been staring at his face.

"Oh um no, I don't- I don't know no" I whispered before hiding my face in my hands. He still managed to place butterflies in my tummy, he sighed before turning around and showing me a notebook, putting it in a way we both could see and use it

"Let's get to work then" he simply said before writing down some things there. I just stared at him in aww, because I still loved him so much. Then I became aware of how a lot of our classmates were staring our way, it wasn't until I made eye contact with them that they looked away. This was weird, to me it was weird, I hated this so much.

I grabbed a pencil and started doodling on the other side of the pages. It's been some time now since the accident, which means things were settling more. I haven't done much about Kai, I can't speak for shin tho, because when I go home he's there with Isaac, throwing loving looks his way, and touching him and whispering to him, and all I can do is watch, and go to my room to cry.

"What are you doing...?" He asked as he saw my drawing of a robodino, I shrugged before drawing some other senseless stuff. I looked at him for a moment as his eyes looked for an answer in mine.

"His name is Pete, Pete the robodino" I just answered before continuing drawing. I could feel hitoshis breath hitch before he swatted my hand away. I glared at him before realizing he was adding to my drawing.

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